
Active Member
Quick question - after reinstalling a single cylinder the manual calls for retorquing the opposite side nuts. Does that mean backing off the opposite side nuts, lubricating the threads and torquing them again? Or simply apply the final torque and hold it for several minutes?
More expert voices will know this for sure, but watching my engine build as part of the Aero Sport Power Build School gives me a hint: yes.

Apparently, those bolts need to be stretched since they are torqued on both ends. During the build, we actually adjusted the apparent "extra" bolt beyond the nut until they were about even on both sides, then BOTH nuts were torqued simultaneously to the correct torque.

I watched this done by two technicians at the same time several times. Each would torque their nut (on opposite sides of the case) , using one of those "bendy" not "clicky" torque wrenches and say "Now!" when they got the torque they needed. Neither of them let go until the second "Now!" was heard.

So, that's the witness statement of a moderately qualified person. Now, let's hear from the fully qualified.
Yes, on through bolts, both nuts should be torqued in two stages. With Narrow decks, I like to torque the captured side (left side) of the stud first, as the stretch is much less than the right. The only way to ensure proper torque is to loosen and re-tighten to spec.
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