
Well Known Member
Anyone know how I can find the part numbers for a different flywheel for my engine? I have a YIO-540-D3A5 (standard Vans setup). But it came with a dual groove flywheel and there are no boss mounts inside the flywheel. The lack of those mounts make it impossible to use a Plasma type Electronic ignition. So I want to research what it would cost to get another flywheel but not sure where to look.

The Lycoming parts catalog just shows the flywheel as part 72566 but doesn't list any options on single/dual groove or boss mounts.

is the single belt flywheel with mounting holes.

There are a couple available on e-bay, both new and used.

I just got mine exchanged from Lycoming. I had asked for
the single one when purchasing the engine, and they would not
change the factory production, but said the would swap it once I got the engine.

15 months later I finally hung the engine, and they swapped it out. I was afraid after that long that they would not, as all I had was a phone conversation, but called them up, and once I got the experimental department they said no problem and sent me the new one the next day.
I ordered my YIO -540 from Vans and then requested (Ann) that it include the single belt flywheel. No issue, that was what it came with.