
Active Member
My 430W is complaining about the terrain data card, and in fact will no longer boot with the card inserted. The assumption is that my card is bad. I've gone looking and for the life of me can't find where to -buy- a replacement from Garmin. Can anyone give me some pointers? The unit works without it, but not without complaining. I end up with a MSG that won't go away.

I still want to go borrow someone else's just to confirm that it is my card before I spend money on a replacement, but even if I _wanted_ to buy a replacement right now I have no clue where to find one! :)
Find an aviation Garmin dealer near you, they are the ones that update the terrain cards and will know if you have a bad card or just need the update as it may be just scrambled data on yours. They may also want either your whole Nav/com or at least the serial #. The cards are on their web site but its not easy to find them. Make sure the card is seated good in the correct slot.
Just to follow up on this .. I confirmed it was most likely my card by borrowing a terrain data card from another 430W and trying it in my unit. The GPS came up fine with the other card. I called Garmin and told them my story, and he confirmed that it was almost certainly the card.

The resolution suggested by the guy in tech support was to first try re-programming the card in the appropriate Garmin card reader/writer (which is different than the SkyBound device used to program the nav data card). If that didn't work, I had to buy a new card .. but could NOT buy it from Garmin directly. (That explained why I could not find a terrain data card anywhere on their website.) I was informed that I'd have to buy a replacement card from a Garmin dealer, and that they won't sell direct to individuals.

This was from a tech support person who I contacted at their tech support number (866-739-5687). I had to listen to the "all our techs are busy" message for about 20 minutes, but that is when having a headset and other stuff to work on while you wait comes in handy. :)

I have a local Garmin dealer who has agreed to try to re-program my card so we'll see if that fixes it. While I'm hopeful, I'm not holding my breath that I'll not have to shell our $280 for a new card (which I don't really need 'cause I have terrain and obstacles in my EFIS .. but, oh well).
Will it boot without the card inserted? Just curious as I have a 430W and have never bothered to update the terrain card because, like you, my EFIS has MUCH more information.