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Pulled my left mag when got the engine (YIO-540-D4A5) and put lightspeed in it?s place. Hit the 500hr mark and need to do maintenance on right mag. Are they the sam, can the left be installed on the right side? Looking at aircraft spruce, they don?t specify a right vs left. Both slick mag 6350.

Guessing it is ok to do, but saw for at least some engines that is not the case.
RH mag not same as left mag has the LH mag has the impulse coupling to retard the timing during start. Putting a impulse coupling mag on RH side with EI on LH should be ok and aid in starting but I don?t know anything about Lightsoeed EI. I have kind of opposite with SDS CPi on RH with impulse couple mag still on left.
RH mag not same as left mag has the LH mag has the impulse coupling to retard the timing during start. Putting a impulse coupling mag on RH side with EI on LH should be ok and aid in starting but I don?t know anything about Lightsoeed EI. I have kind of opposite with SDS CPi on RH with impulse couple mag still on left.

Thats not correct for all engines, some engines run impulse couplers on both mags, I suspect that is the case in the OP engine.
The 540 is "normally" delivered with retard breaker mag/slick start 6393 on LH side and std mag 6350 on RH side. So if that's the case you could indeed use the LH mag in the RH side and just not use the retard breaker connection.
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