
Well Known Member
I have the itch to build again and im wondering how much time repeat offenders put into their second builds? I built my 3b in 3000 hours over 5 years. I’m interested in a -7 standard build with a semi basic IFR panel. I won’t be deviating from the plans. I imagine the process unfolds with much less time spent head scratching the second time around. Any real world numbers out there?

My experience - all slow builds:
RV-8A, 4.5 years, day job got in the way.
RV-10, 5 years, day job got in the way and I got incorporated several mods.
RV-8, 2.5 years, no day job but a year consumed with family issues.

I plan on the next project (RV-10) to take 3 years as I will be flying the snot of of the RV-8 at the same time.

My second build (RV10) was probably 25% more efficient build process based on my learnings from RV8 build.

My second build (RV10) was probably 25% more efficient build process based on my learnings from RV8 build.

Thanks guys, I can stomach these numbers. I’m looking forward to a much more streamlined process.
Build a -14

Hi Rob. My -14A is moving along very nicely. I figure it will be a 2 yr build and that is putting in 16 hrs a week minimum. Hopefully flying next summer. Hope all is well with you. We miss seeing you and your dad.
One thing about an RV-7 is that there's a broader base of builders out there, so if you do have a question, you can probably get either an answer quicker or a wider range of potential ways to do the job.

But knowing you, I'm certain that the next plane will be very, very nice.

It took us about twice as many shop hours to build our -3 than it did for me to build the -8 before it Rob .... so extrapolating from you building the -3 first, a -7 is already done before you start it! :)
Second build - subtract 50% of the build time. RV3 vs RV7, subtract an additional 25% of the build time if you are staying with company standard, due to advanced kit design. Still a big project, but if you stay focused, it can be done in less time than this. Know what you want going into it, and stay focused. Your second build will always be better.