
Well Known Member
For those wondering how the Repairman’s Cert. works with the virus, the Richmond FSDO is doing it through an online Zoom conference. I got mine today, easy and saved a trip to Richmond. I filled the forms and emailed to FSDO Friday morning, that afternoon they replied asking when I could do the Zoom, any weekday. Scheduled today and took all of five min.
I sent an email to my FSDO over the weekend indicating that I was interested in making an appointment to get mine.

I got a phone call yesterday morning around 830am and spoke to the gentleman, answered some questions, etc.

He emailed me some forms, asked for a few pieces of paperwork and I sent him links to my online builders log and my photos.

I received an email this morning, less than 24 hours later saying that he will process my certificate tomorrow and will email me the temporary certificate.

That was FAST!
I am at the point of needing to do this. For the digitally challenged folks like me do you have any idea what they do if your pictures and build log are not digital. Also what is a zoom conference?
I actually talked to the inspector about that. He said that if my online build log wasn’t “good enough”, that I could mail him my engineering notebook where i recorded everything and then he would send it back to me. Obviously there is some risk there of it getting lost.

The alternative is to scan it all in. There was no way I was going to do that...
I sent my repairman form to the Miami FSDO. Apparently sending without a name the application went into a black hole. With no phone number on the app, one of the FSDO inspectors eventually tracked me down through my address. He drove 100 miles from Miami to Naples, inspected my aircraft, builder logs, videos and photos, and helped my fill out the form correctly!

He spent the entire morning with me chatting about all things airplane. What a wonderful guy. He went way beyond the call of duty. I received my temporary certificate in about a week and the permanent card in four weeks, just like he said. The FAA really is here to help!