Your local FSDO likely has a procedure in place, best to give them a call and see what's up :)
Not as hard as you think.

Just got mine a few months ago at the Greensboro NC FSDO. Very nice people and very helpful. I was welcomed in with a appointment and special COVID restrictions. There’s certain forms you need filled out PERFECTLY plus be prepared to prove you built your plane with build logs and photos. They say it’s a little different from FSDO to FSDO so just give them a call and they will tell you exactly what they require. All and all a very nice experience. :)
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Mine was done electronically. I had enough info online and digital photos that the FSDO did it without an in person meeting. Took 2 days
The North Texas FSDO does it by email, if the DAR submits a "Letter of Recommendation".
I Just Got My Repairman Certificate 12/3/2020

Reach out to FSDO via email. Post your build pictures and pictures of builders log pages for them to see and send the inspector the link. I used Apple iPad Shared Album feature. It allows you to share pictures via a web link that is created by the shared album Pretty easy). Filled out my application UNSIGNED. Then he sent a link to join a Zoom call. On the call he had me show ID Drivers license and then we went through the process. He then issued a temp cert for me to sign and return. It was a lot of copy, scan, send, sign, copy, scan, sign, send. But well worth it. My advice would be to get it as soon as possible as the FAA gets very busy year end. If they offer an appointment take soonest available. I was left waiting several weeks for an appointment.
My advice would be to get it as soon as possible as the FAA gets very busy year end. If they offer an appointment take soonest available. I was left waiting several weeks for an appointment.

While getting it as soon as practical IS recommended, remember that you don't need it for a year. It only allows you to perform the condition inspection.

And unless you are operating under an LODA and using the aircraft commercially, the condition inspection is only required annually.