
Well Known Member
Hi, all... I know this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find a definitive answer in the archives (so I guess there may not be one). If I buy a partially-completed tail kit, will I have a problem getting a repairman certificate? Since it's only the tail kit, I'll still be doing the vast majority of the 51%, but I don't know how the FAA views this.

Specifically, has anyone gotten a repairman certificate after completing a partially-completed kit? Any issues getting it? Has anyone been denied for that reason?


This shouldn't affect you ability to obtain the repairman certificate at all. You will still have more than enough building experience to qualify for the certificate.
in Canada...

it's an interesting difference in the laws between the US and Canada. My understanding is that there is no "repairman's certificate" in Canada. My understanding is that the fact that the plane is registered as an "Ameteur Built" is what lets the owner do his own repairs. I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter who owns the plane (whether it's the builder, or someone else who bought the plane from the builder later).

I think the idea of having to qualify for a repairman's certificate is a good one... interesting that (as far as I know) this doesn't exist up here.
Think about this one. A Scout troop takes on the project of building an airplane. There are 35 kids and adults that work on the project. No way anyone is doing by themselves 51% of the work. A builders journal shows that it was built by amateurs and in fact is an educational project. However, only one of those people are going to get the repairman's certificate. I suppose that could be done by drawing straws. The take away message for me is when buying partially completed aircraft get all the pictures and logs of the build in the deal especially if there is a question of how much work remains to be done. 51% of the work needs to be done by an amateur.
Ethics too

My buddy and I built our -6A QB. We both put in the hours with no "hired guns" but with other experienced RV builders' help occasionally. I assume that since we worked equally, as a lot of other paired builders do (husbands and wives/kids), we each put in around 26%. My opinion is that we both in reality know as much as each other about the airplane since we rebuilt the engine ourselves too, side by side.

Seems to me that the spirit of the law, building 51% minimum is followed here. I have the repairman's cert because the DAR knows that it is in my hangar and I'm the more experienced, so he suggested that he'd rather me have it. In the case of the Scouts, seems that most all of those kids would be following the "education and recreational" requirements necessary and the spirit of the law would be complied with.....no hired guns, etc. plus their exposure to aviation at a grass roots level being a big plus.
