
Well Known Member
Just wondering proximately how long after your paperwork submission did you receive your repairman cert and if this is something that could have been effected by the Gov. shutdown this past month+

I submitted mine around Thanks Giving period and have not received it yet.
Just wondering proximately how long after your paperwork submission did you receive your repairman cert and if this is something that could have been effected by the Gov. shutdown this past month+

I submitted mine around Thanks Giving period and have not received it yet.

When I received mine, years ago, I saw the rating online within days. The physical card showed up in about thirty days.

I have no idea what the shutdown impact may have on your processing. Look yourself up in the pilot database. That will at least tell you that they've processed your information.
When I received mine, years ago, I saw the rating online within days. The physical card showed up in about thirty days.

I have no idea what the shutdown impact may have on your processing. Look yourself up in the pilot database. That will at least tell you that they've processed your information.

Thank you Bob, just checked the DB and no info on for the new plane, only my old RV7A record :(
My recent experience was that I had to make an appointment with the ASI at the FSDO. They went through the paperwork and build log, asked a few questions and issued a paper temporary certificate on the spot.
The plastic permanent certificate arrived about a month later.
My experience in Florida was the same as Mark's.
Nothing sent in, had to make an appointment with the local FSDO.
Interview with documentation with questions and received a temp card.
Month later got two plastic cards with different numbers in the mail.
Thanks all.
My inspection was done thru the local FSDO and he submitted the paperwork. He has since retired so I may need to make a visit there to inquire.
Thanks all.
My inspection was done thru the local FSDO and he submitted the paperwork. He has since retired so I may need to make a visit there to inquire.

I did my inspection through the FSDO and they gave me a temporary cert along with the a/w cert. It's possible they didn't process your paperwork at that time and you need to go back to do it.

If you got your temp cert, I would assume it is jsut a shutdown delay.

Just wondering proximately how long after your paperwork submission did you receive your repairman cert and if this is something that could have been effected by the Gov. shutdown this past month+

I submitted mine around Thanks Giving period and have not received it yet.

I met with the FSDO guy about that time, he signed the paperwork gave me a temporary card, then the permanent card came a couple of weeks ago.

Did you log-in to the FAA and check your airman certificates?
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If I recall last time I checked, they actually tell you on the front page of the airman’s certification web page what date they are currently processing. I am absolutely certain this was all affected by the shutdown, so expect at least a month delay on top of the usual processing time.
If I recall last time I checked, they actually tell you on the front page of the airman?s certification web page what date they are currently processing. I am absolutely certain this was all affected by the shutdown, so expect at least a month delay on top of the usual processing time.

Had to look just out of curiosity. Website had this statement.

We are currently processing permanent Airmen Certificates for temporary certificates that were issued approximately November 1, 2018.
If I recall last time I checked, they actually tell you on the front page of the airman?s certification web page what date they are currently processing. I am absolutely certain this was all affected by the shutdown, so expect at least a month delay on top of the usual processing time.

Thank you Paul/Jeff, I also confirmed and looks like I am still in the queue. With the government shot down, this probably will be delayed beyond the normal period.
My experience in Florida was the same as Mark's.
Nothing sent in, had to make an appointment with the local FSDO.
Interview with documentation with questions and received a temp card.
Month later got two plastic cards with different numbers in the mail.

Miami FSDO is something. When last renewing my IA and not getting it by March I called and was told I had to come in to get it. Si I dragged my but 100 miles to the fsdo and they guy just typed it out and signed it (old one was full). A week later I got another one from the mail in application. Maybe they're just lonely there. I imagine there's a stack of applications at a unmanned desk at all fsdos. Now that they're back at least for now there's a lot of catching up to do by people that are not very happy and waiting for the next distruption to their financial futures.
There's a lot of feds that can retire at any time (20% of the NY Tracon can retire at this very moment) I bet things will get worse instead of better.
Give them a call if you're oncerned. A fsdo visit requires a appointment. I remember when you could just walk in anytime.
At the Miami FSDO I went through three separate locked gates and doors to get in.
Can the DAR due the required paperwork to get a repairman certificate at the time of the airworthiness inspection? The information on-line indicates that may be so.
Can the DAR due the required paperwork to get a repairman certificate at the time of the airworthiness inspection? The information on-line indicates that may be so.

Maybe this varies region to region, but my DAR (OAK FSDO) specifically said he was not authorized to process repairman certificates.
DARs are not allowed to process the application for repairman certificate.

We CAN help fill out the application, write a letter of recommendation, and assist in getting the proper forms to the FSDO.
My PMI often accompanies me on inspections. (He likes to get out of the office.) And on these occasions, he has been known to issue the repairman certificate right there.

It has been proposed, several times in the past, to allow DARs to issue the repairman certificate; but it has always been shot down by the "higher-ups".
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