
Well Known Member
So I am in the process of prepping my rv6 for a repaint. It is set up for basic ifr but I am not ifr rated yet. I am planning an avionics upgrade soon as well. It has two comm antennas on bell along with transponder, adsb, marker beacon, and vor antenna. It has an sl30 for nav. Should i keep the marker beacon antenna and nav antenna or should i get rid of both and just put a garmin 175 in? Now is the time to get rid of them since i am painting.
IMHO keep the SL30 radio; MB, optional. For one thing, the instrument test guide seems to say that you need something in addition to a gps to take the practical exam, although some Examiners are open to other interpretations. Ditch the antennas, replace them with inside-the-wingtip ones (‘Archer’ type for vor- ILS).
Edit. The SL30 is a great nav. You know it can receive two vors (or an ils and a vor) at the same time, right? Great for a loc approach with a vor cross fix for the step down fix.
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You can replace the MB antenna with 1m of stripped coax glassed to the inside of the cowling, on the bottom.
I'm a fan of having an ILS/VOR available, I would keep the nav but ditch the MB.
Thanks guys, guess i will work on filling in the holes from the mb. It was kind of what i planned on but not being an ifr pilot yet i wasn't sure if it was a necessity especially with an eventual waas gps system.