plenty early

Depending on where/how you're coming in you have options. Rentals from major airports (Orlando or Tampa) will be available at any time. They are usually a few dollars more than a non-airport rental location, but make up for it in convenience if you're doing the airline thing. They bring a small fleet of rental cars into Bartow (KBOW) and Winter Haven (KGIF) if you're flying yourself in. Not sure which vendors, but you can contact the FBO and they can help you out. Other local airports on the Tampa side of SnF probably have the same arrangement. Not sure what is available at SnF, hopefully others will chime in with more info.
We flew in to winterhaven last year and they made it as simple as could be. We got in at dark and they had left a rental car for us on the ramp with the key in it. They were great to deal with and cheap fuel.
Plant City Rentals

Plant City Airport is another good location to tie down / rent a car. It's an easy drive to Sun-N-Fun.
If you are actually flying into Sun n Fun call Enterprise. They have a location at one of the buildings on the south side of the airport and will have the car at the airport waiting for you.
Sorry, yes flying into LakeLand and needing a car to drive to our house in Kissimmee. One problem I have is not knowing what the weather will do on such a long trip.
If you are actually flying into Sun n Fun call Enterprise. They have a location at one of the buildings on the south side of the airport and will have the car at the airport waiting for you.

My son's girlfriend works at Enterprise & they add staff & cars at SNF-LAL for the increased activity.