
Well Known Member
Alright all you Reno area RVers, my -7 kit which has been in storage in FL for a few years is finally on it's way.

I've finally got a three car garage again, and am renewing my EAA membership. Until then I'll be watching all you fly if you'll let me and the wife hang out.

Alright all you Reno area RVers, my -7 kit which has been in storage in FL for a few years is finally on it's way.

I've finally got a three car garage again, and am renewing my EAA membership. Until then I'll be watching all you fly if you'll let me and the wife hang out.

Sounds like you are about to join, or rejoin the builders ranks.

Great news:D
Come on Out

There is a handful of us up at Stead with RVs, feel free to come out I will introduce you to some of them. I've got a RV-7A, working on the Wheel pants and fairings so I can go faster!

Steve Barger
[email protected]

There is an EAA chapter here at RTS, but not a lot of real activity. On the other hand, there are a dozen RVs of all flavors on the airport so we welcome your presence. We typically try to get out once a month or more often to do breakfast etc. And we do the annual R-cubed BBQ during the air races. Any of us would be happy to help with your build or go flying, or just hang around and talk airplanes. Feel free to email me directly or call once you are situated and we'll do a lunch or something.

Thanks guys, Greg I'll def get in touch with you. Gotta get my garage situated, kit and all my tools should be here first week of Dec.

As Steve and Greg said, lots of RVers at Stead...great bunch of folks. PM or e-mail me along with Greg and Steve, and we'll get in touch. I'm sure we can muster a couple empty seats on some of the fun runs too! Look forward to meeting you

PS: Greg, as you said in your e-mail today...that was your 1000th post...makes me the rotten egg! :p
Hey Guys,

I hope to have my RV7 ready to fly up to Reno / Stead in June for PRS.

Would like to get some insight from some builders up North.
Let us know what kind of insight you need - plenty of opinions up here. RTS is easy to get into, even during PRS. If you want info off-line, you can email me directly or give a call 775-762-7550.

Anyone going to be up there over the holidays? About to mount the vert/horiz stab to the empennage and have some questions, would like to see a few so I know I'm not doing anything wrong. Written instructions are a little vauge.
I'm always around, look for a 2001 Toyota Prius or a white RV-9A, N65XX (best looking -9 on the field). Dan
Let us know what kind of insight you need - plenty of opinions up here. RTS is easy to get into, even during PRS. If you want info off-line, you can email me directly or give a call 775-762-7550.



That is awesome. I will give you a call this week. I'm lucky enough to get paid to work PRS and the Air Races. The air boss is always cool letting me in and I never had a problem flying my Diamond up there in the past. I did some training up there with Tim Brill, and work with Aviation Classics as well. Looking forward to coming up in June.
I'm always around, look for a 2001 Toyota Prius or a white RV-9A, N65XX (best looking -9 on the field). Dan

I'm sure you meant the best looking white -9 on the field...right? Dr. Greg might have something to say about that otherwise!

I'm hanging around whenever possible too. December has some form work and the Big Bear NYD brunch, then its down for winter speed mods and TLC. If anyone heads our way, let us know...we'll get guccidude to buy lunch, and drive us around it that Prius (still trying to find out if they sell men's cars where he bought that!) :p

rkaos...what do you do at PRS? A few of us are seriously considering flying PRS this summer (some FFI and SARL buds, one with an 8, one with a rotary 6, F1Boss and me...maybe more RVs will play, and we can fill a practice field with RVs and Rockets!). Hope to see you there.