Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
Here is a quick couple of items from the Reno air races.

RV8 builder from the Atlanta area, Navy pilot, think his name was Jeff.

And from the following shots of the Snow Birds in a couple of formations I have never seen before, I think I may have discovered the identity of their new "formation consultant".

Am I the only person to see the hand of Burt Rutan here???

Oh, yes, the Bear is BACK
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OOPS---I just remembered, DR wants photo credits.

Above photos by my wife, Laura.

Free to all.
the first one is "EZ" the second formation is "GOOSE"

got anymore picts?

"Bad Rivet"

387 of them. Or do you just mean of the Snow Birds?? About 90 of them.

My wife went nuts with our new camera.

Here are a couple more------pole sitter Unlimited Gold, "September Fury", and the Gold winner "Rare Bear", in its new paint scheme.

hey mike, good talking to you in reno. you managed to get my bad side in the photo :) how 'bout that last run by rare bear?? lemme know if you're posting some of your photos somewhere. we didn't take too many. any good ones of the t2 buckeye? some of my buds think they have flown that plane back in flight school. i was strictly t-45's.
Place to stay.

Should anyone be going to the air races next year I have at least one spare room and a ton of space if you like to sleep under the stars. I am in Carson City and it takes about 45 Minutes to get to the races from my house. You will have to rent your own car but the place to stay will save you a bundle. Fly into Carson City, CXP. The airport is about 5 minutes from my house. We have at least five RV's that you can see in various stages of construction and some completed. We have a great little museum and the company is great. Sounds like a good reason to have a BBQ at the hangar. Who know's we may even have some inside storage for your ship. The only thing that I ask for is that you have fun and enjoy the hospitality and the races.

contackt me by e-mail at [email protected]
hey mike, good talking to you in reno. you managed to get my bad side in the photo :) how 'bout that last run by rare bear?? lemme know if you're posting some of your photos somewhere. we didn't take too many. any good ones of the t2 buckeye? some of my buds think they have flown that plane back in flight school. i was strictly t-45's.

Jeff, sorry, but no shots of the t2. Also sorry to have cut off your head.

Good talking to you also, send me your mailing address on a PM, and I will send you a cd of the photos.

By the way, forgot to mention it at the races, but r.e. your Navy service, thanks.

Here are a couple of shots of old Navy birds

And one for the Air Force folks.

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Saw a couple of VAF T's there. I have a few pictures too, it's too bad Strega blew the pistons in the Heat race, it would've been pretty fast this year. Aparently burned through 2 pistons. September Fury blew three cylinder heads in the gold race trying to catch Penny in Rare Bear, which they barely got running right in time. It's great to be in the pits constantly have an inside ear into whats going on with some of the teams.