
Well Known Member
I'm planning on the RV6 to Carson City and I have a hotel there. What is the public transportation possibilities from Carson City to Reno and to the races or direct. I can get a car but it is a pain. Anyone tried this before. I plan on a Friday arrival and Monday departure. Thanks for any advice.:)
IMHO, you should get a room in Reno, not Carson City.

Lots of the hotels in Reno have, or are serviced by a shuttle service during race week.

A shuttle is so very much better than fighting the traffic in a personal vehicle such as a rental car. And cheaper too.

If you stay in Carson, I dont know if there is public transport to/from the races.

Whatever you do, you are going to have a blast:D
I agree with the Senior Curmudgeon. (In fact, I first met him at the 2008 Reno Air Races.)

We stayed at a hotel in Reno. Cheap food, and fantastic room. Because my son had been stationed in Reno, we rented a car so he could visit friends, but the shuttles were available then and I'd be surprised if they are not available now. We arrived via Soutwest Airlines so I can't advise you on flying in by personal plane.
The Best Western in Reno is right across the street from the main terminal. In years past they had a free shuttle to one of the bigger hotels where you could board the bus to the races. It was very convenient, cheaper than renting a car, and dropped us off right near the main gate.

There may be fees to fly into the Reno International airport( probably parking) but I wonder if they would be waived if you bought fuel?

Reno races

The air races have been on my bucket list for awhile, and I think I'll try and make it this year. Looks like tomorrow is the last day to buy tickets in advance.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower Alabama
We stayed in Carson and rented a car there several years and it worked great. We had our reasons to use Carson, instead, but obvious ones are cheaper rental cars and rooms. (Also closer to Tahoe!) However, there's no public transportation. We would arrive on a weekday and hitch a ride with someone to the Enterprise downtown (FBO rates are very high this week). If you decide to tie down at A34, we might be able to help out.
there is no public transportation between carson and reno. a rental car is a must if you stay in carson.

bob burns
rv-4 N82RB
there is no public transportation between carson and reno. a rental car is a must if you stay in carson.

bob burns
rv-4 N82RB

Not true. There is a city bus that goes between the two cities:

http://www.rtcwashoe.com/PublicTransportation/documents/RTC INT7_17_14.pdf

Not particularly convenient (would have to change buses in the downtown area, but you could also find a shuttle there during race week), but would get you by in a pinch.


p.s. Don't forget R-cubed as usual on Saturday night.
since we're talking Reno.....

I was a first-timer last year, and got lots of good advice here on the forum....
Here's my addition to that.

We used the shuttle a couple times from our hotel. Ok if you don't mind waiting at times in the sun at the races for the return.
Used the city bus a few times, but the nearest stop at Stead is bizarre....nearly a mile from the gate! Cheap though, and you always meet interesting people! the races draw an international flavor, but of course, I end up sitting next to a guy from BC!

We rented a car for part of our week there, and it was nice to have.
If we left reasonably early for the races, it was no problem to park on the street ( free) and leave the cooler in the trunk for the occasional snack. The vendors on site were ok, just not cheap, and after a few days, you may want something different.
Cars are in demand, so book early, and ensure you get all the dope on insurance etc. if you are from out of country and don't have AAA or something.
I bought pit passes, which were great, but you may not need them every day, if you are happy to go in after last race, it seemed to be wide open. ( save some beer $$$)
The reserved bleacher seats were ok; not needed unless you are particular about where you sit, or want a clear shot for pictures etc.
I would buy early for Sat & Sun, and get the very top, as there are banners on the chain link that provide nice shade, and the breeze is welcome!

Lots of other things, perhaps 'to be continued'.
Im In

Anyone else planning on going to Reno this year for the races? I spent the last month sanding and installing the bulkheads on my canopy.:eek: I think its time to take a break especially after not making it Oshkosh . The Reno talk seems like its been kinda quiet this year or maybe people are still recovering from Oshkosh. Looks like hotels are still available.

Catch Ya at the Races.
5th year

My buddy John and I will be arriving Friday from Victoria, tying down at Carson- look forward to it every year!!
See ya there!

I'll be there this year - -gonna see if all the parts hold together this time.:eek:

Seriously, looks like a very good year - plenty of RVs will be running. The Metal Mafia is growing!

Carry on!
Having frequented the place on several occasions, I would concur about getting a rental car.

Support the Scouts, pay a few bucks and enjoy.

The pit pass is worth it - the best guys are the Formula One, Sport and Biplane. If you stand there for more than a couple of minutes, you will get a wrench given and told to get busy or else !

Once racing has finished - DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT leave.

Get a margarita and wander into the corporate area which is now open. There will still be people partying, you may end up partaking with them as they will be rather comfortable by now. The gas powered blenders are most excellent !

Sit down, relax and watch the airplanes for a while, there are usually some interesting sights.

We were there the year they launched the Stolichnaya Migs and an L-39 as a demonstration race. The 17 was told not to use his burner.

Yea, great until lap 4 when he got bored, lit it up and disappeared !

The rest is history as the jet races started the following year.

Last year, the BBQ at the hangar was excellent, met guys from the forum etc etc.

Well worth a visit.

Don't forget to visit Virginia City and when you are there, have a look at the old cars littered everywhere. We got chatting to a gadge by the station who invited us in to his workshop..... My oh my. Model A Ford in restoration with loads of old engines, wheels and junk and rubbish everywhere. What a true Gentleman he was.

Finally - our regular on Sunday after the race. You must go to Bertha Miranda's Mexican. 336 Mill Street. A real tradition and super people and food.

Also, don't forget the Basque restaurant - Santa Fe Hotel, 235 North Lake Street. Don't worry about a menu, they just feed you, and feed you good !

Can't make it this year - enjoy.
Glad to see the excitement building! Lemme see if I can add some fuel to the fire?

Should be a decent crop of Unlimited Racers this year. Tiger DeStefanie will be back in Strega, and Steve Jr. will be in VooDoo. Bear, Dreadnaught, 232, Sawbones, and a number of others. Lotsa cool WWII speed and noise!

Good Jet Class line-up, and plenty of more noise from a good-size T-6 class. Formulas and Bipes seem to be in a rebuilding mode?OK numbers, but I know of a few that are coming with some cool mods?will be fun to see?and interesting to see if Steve Senegal (also an RVer) can recapture his Formula crown.

But enough of the side acts?lets talk about the Sport Class! (nyuck, nyuck ;))

We've had 40 (four-zero!) entires in the Sport Class this year, and will run 4 heats of nine each racing day! They will likely be called Gold, Silver, Bronze and Medallion. We have a progression in which we can cycle in all 40 for at least 3 races, but we've lost a couple entries, and expect to be in the mid 30s in numbers. Still, a huge class showing! Of that number, nearly 1/3 are RVs or Rockets (7 RVs, 3 Rockets at this time)! They will probably run in the Bronze and Medallion classes, and we expect several good match-ups in each of those heats?as well as in Silver and Gold. My guess is that Gold will be 325 mph and up, Silver will be 280/290-325, Bronze will be 250/260-290, and Medallion will be 250/260 and below. Total SWAG on those speeds, but expect to see some really fast airplanes in each heat, and some really great racing! Can't wait to see what Kevin does in his newly-motored NXT, and there should be some really fun RV/Rocket racing to see!

Some good info in the above posts. Carson is cheaper to fly into, with more logistics to get to Reno?but very doable. Shuttles from one of the larger Reno hotels are very dependable, albeit the standard mass-transit wait program. A car gives you freedom to make your own schedule, and will allow you to stay after the show, which (as Mike said) is well worth it. A pit pass is worth every penny, and please come by the Sport Class hangars and find us. We all love meeting and talking with everyone! The RVs typically race in the morning or midday, so if we're briefing or prepping to race, we may be focused on that. But a smile, and a occasionally a turned wrench is always welcome from our RV family! After our heats we really enjoy the camaraderie of the RV gang?so hope to see you there!

Here is the overhead view of the venue, with a few key locations pointed out, including the R-Cubed BBQ location. I've actually moved one hangar to the south, and I've heard Greg Arehart will soon be my neighbor in that row!


Should be a fun Reno this year?see ya there!

Sport 49

Do your know anything about how Reno management dealt with the Tiger/PRS issue. Info I saw from a pretty reliable source was that Tiger attended PRS but did not complete the required flying???
Do your know anything about how Reno management dealt with the Tiger/PRS issue. Info I saw from a pretty reliable source was that Tiger attended PRS but did not complete the required flying???


Your source is correct. I believe he'll qual early in the week before aircraft quals are complete. Pilot qualification occurs during PRS in June, and aircraft (speed) quals, which determine start order, occur in September during race week.

For those interested and so inclined, quite a bit goes on before the actual racing begins. Aircraft have to be in Reno on Saturday 9/6 to begin tech inspection. Pilot and Crew In-briefs, and practice flying are on Sunday. Qualifying (aircraft) takes place Monday and Tuesday all day, and on Wednesday morning. Heats begin Wednesday afternoon, and it's all racing and airshow from Thursday thru Sunday. And OBTW, you can wander the pits gratis through Wednesday (at least it's been that way in the past). Unfortunately (but necessarily) no transient parking from Saturday on, and the TFR is in effect starting Sunday...but lots of cool stuff to see all week!

Reno Route

Texdog is leaving in our RV6A from Fredericksburg, Tx. on Thursday Sept. 11, early, weather permitting to 5T6, HII, and then Carson City. I'm flexible on route and time if anyone has a better idea and wants to tag along. Let me know. The stops are for gas and maybe food and its about 7.3 hrs. flight time from T82.
So guys, since the nasty on has brought it up, is the R3 BBQ going to happen again this year??


Looks like Greg answered this back in post 8-------------------

Don't forget R-cubed as usual on Saturday night.
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Just spoke with Dan and we're on for Saturday night as usual, same location. Would be good for folks to give us a heads up on this thread if you are thinking of coming, just so we have sufficient food & beverage on hand. No commitment, just trying to get a general sense of the numbers.

the R-cubed crowd