
Well Known Member
We just got back from Reno today in the RV6A. What a great experience, both at the Air Races and the trip itself from Canada.

The turbo Subie ran flawlessly for 16.4 hours of air time- what a relief! This was the longest/ farthest trip from home for VZX by far since completed in 2003.

The races were awesome and as you know I'm a liquid cooled engine fan so I have some bad news for the air cooled cheering section- the Merlins are back. Mike Nixon has eradicated the evil bottom end problems that have plagued race Merlins for quite a few years now, allowing them to run above 140 inches reliably again. When this happens, the radial aircraft really don't have much of a chance. Strega and Dago Red walked away with all the big Unlimited wins.

On the Sport Class front, the single liquid cooled entry was bedeviled by more supercharger problems as previous years in the Thunder Mustang. Ditch the supercharger and get turbos on there guys. Jon Sharp's Nemesis surprised everyone with a 409 mph qualifying lap. It sounded simply awesome- yes it is a Lycoming- what am I saying???:eek:;):eek:.

I helped Mike Dacey's crew with his Conti 550 TT powered Questair Venture as he was running our SDS engine management system this year. Things went very well and Mike trounced all the other high buck teams except Sharp's to finish second in qualifying at 375 mph as well as the Gold race with 368 mph vs. Sharp's 392. Many people were amazed by Mike's performance and the Venture got lots of looks.

Many entrants running Lycos and Contis with mechanical injection suffered from fuel metering problems. Sharp did not have this problem with the might of the Lycoming factory techs behind his effort. The EFI in Dacey's plane allowed him to concentrate on flying while the engine ripped out full hp smoothly.

Speaking of power, you now need over 75 inches MAP to be near the front and in excess of 750hp! Next year will require even more.

The geared Conti/ Lancair from DG's camp showed some great promise finally this year but prop and fuel metering issues did not allow all the speed it might have shown. Without doubt, this combo is capable of over 800 hp- at least for a while. It looked very cool with the new prop and cowling. More to come from this for next year although the Lancair airframe is really at a bit of an aerodynamic disadvantage compared to the NXTs and Ventures IMO. With the engine running at 3900 rpm, the hp potential is there.

The biggest thing besides Sharp's blistering speed was the announcement by Keven Eldredge with his NXT (formerly Lycoming powered) was installing a Trace (nee Orenda) turbo V8 for next year and their engine was wheeled over for photo ops in front of Relentless. The Lycoming boys were shocked and even looked a bit worried. The bar is high now with the 409mph lap but clearly a liquid cooled engine has huge advantages in racing from a thermal limits and power density point of view. Once developed and debugged, I don't doubt the present record will quickly fall.

Super interesting talking to the Lyco Boffins and sales guys and looking at their new offerings. Very nice stuff (what am I saying??). I really liked the looks of their turbo normalized 360. Nicely laid out and properly done IMO. I also liked their new FADEC system and engine parts to go with it for their sixes. Truly state of the art. Lycoming is finally getting their engines and systems up to date and I liked what I saw there.

When I get my photos downloaded, I'll send something along to Doug about the trip.:)
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Hey Ross, thanks for the report.

Sorry you didnt make it to the BBQ--------or did you just come in stealth mode??

I was wondering which plane you were crewing on, maybe stop by next year and converse if you are going to be there.

That Venture was FAST. Very fast. Does it have extended wings??----they looked a bit higher than normal as to aspect ratio.
Mike's Venture has clipped wings actually and is really beefed up over the stock version. When you see how small a Venture is in person and imagine 775 hp up front- well, that has to be a ride!:cool::D

We knew Sharp was likely to be untouchable with all the experience, bucks, brains, crew and testing behind him but Mike's results with about 1/10th of the budget was pretty impressive. He and his crew chief Bruce put many months of work and testing into the Venture project. I'm just glad I could help out with some ideas and tech support. I've always loved to beat high dollar efforts in racing and we did just that this year. Many of the old guard fast guys were humbled by the Egg this year.

The Sport Class guys are a great bunch, everyone helps out each other lending tools etc. and there is lots of good natured ribbing and teasing going on with the friendly rivalry. These guys are all pretty serious about doing well but there are not too many snobs about here. It's a fantastic aviation atmosphere to be involved with. This is my idea of a vacation- airplanes, airplanes and more fast airplanes.:)

Sorry I missed the BBQ, I would have liked to mingle with the RV guys. Did meet a few at least. Will try next year. Mike wants to do a 400 mph lap so I think he will be back in '09. He did a 381 after his 375 one in qualifying and that was at much lower boost than he ran in the Gold Race. It was very hot on Sunday compared to Wednesday qualifying which was calm and cool.
The Egg was TRUELY impressive. I was amazed by what has been accomplished on that project. It's interesting to hear the chatter by some of Sharps crew. Last year it was, Jon would be able to push it up to keep everyone behind him. This year I heard some saying... "there are limits to even this engine..."

We did pretty decent in the F1 area, Qualified at 242, and got 4th in the gold.
Sorry we missed seeing you Ross, and Stephen...all the races were SWEET to watch. I agree, that engine screaming from Nemesis was something to behold!!

Interesting about Relentless for next year...:eek::cool:

That little Egg was SCREAMIN'!!! :cool::cool:

Thanks for posting. I've been reading about Relentless and the other Sport Racers and it is nice to see some pictures.

Sounds like it was a great year!

Thanks for posting! The pictures and comments on Reno just make me want to get out there even more!