
Well Known Member
I had a Young Eagle today that vomited with no prior warning (no time to throw her the sick bag). I got it up but it still stinks...mostly the pax shoulder harnesses. Anyone have a good recommendation for removing vomit odor? I'm looking for something that won't fade the black color on the harnesses.
My girlfriend, the Queen of Clean, says a mix of white vinegar and water should do the trick.
I've heard that a product called OdorXit works pretty well too. Never used it myself though.

Being that im down under, I was told that a skunk would get rid of the spew smell. All you have to do now is work on the skunk smell..... :(
fresh ground coffee

May not work on the harness but amazing results.

A few years ago while on a commercial flight a kid let go in the aisle very (too) close to me. The flight attendant grabbed a bag of coffee and covered the event.

Amazing instant relief for all around.
Take the belts out, cover the buckle with a plastic bag and hand wash them.

To get rid of the stinch, you need to remove the source.

Unless there is a reason not to get them wet, this is what I would do.
Happened in my last airplane

The only solution was to sell the airplane..:)

I am sorry.. I've had several Px's throw up in the RV but always into the bag..The guys who swagger and tell me "this won't be a problem..I do rollercoasters you know"...They seem to have the weakest stomachs..Hmm but maybe I try a little harder with them...;)

Wash the belts in warm soapy water and let dry. If smell still there, cover area with baking soda for a day or two. The belts are made of a plastic filament. Polyprop I think. Washing will be no issue. Also the buckle will be fine to wet. Just blow it with a airgun when finished rinsing.
enzyme based pet-odor removal cleaners

Like the kind that can get rid of cat pee or dog poo odor. You need a cleaner that's designed to break down smells coming from a bio-source. remove the seat belts and let it soak.

The product that we use at home for cannine mistakes is: Natures Miracle. It is available at any local pet store. It contains enzmes, isopropyl alchohol, citrus scent, and it really works well.
Like the kind that can get rid of cat pee or dog poo odor. You need a cleaner that's designed to break down smells coming from a bio-source. remove the seat belts and let it soak.
pet smart

The product that we use at home for cannine mistakes is: Natures Miracle. It is available at any local pet store. It contains enzmes, isopropyl alchohol, citrus scent, and it really works well.

And hey - they even advertise that it works for vomit:
"Plus, only Nature's Miracle contains exclusive ingredients that speed up and greatly increase the effectiveness of the enzymes--and also helps neutralize acids in urine, vomit, and feces which helps restore color and lustre to carpets and floors that have been stained. For use on carpets, floors, furniture, clothing, cages, litter boxes, and pet living and sleeping areas."

there ya go Jamie - go to PetSmart. There ought to be some YE awards for pilots who get the vomit. I hereby nominate you for the "Chuckie" award.
Ditto on Nature's Miracle. My dog has chucked up things not of this world and this product tackles the mess without fail. The bad part about owning a Greyhound (Retired Racer) is that they often chuck on the fly which gives a blast pattern similar to a low-level napalm drop...

Changing the subject- we rescued this particular Greyhound after he started slowing down at the track. He (it now...) is the most docile, lazy animal on the planet and is taking his retirement seriously. He was the easiest dog to house break since he was raised in a cage. He eats, goes outside, drops a load, then runs like a racer for less than a minute. He actually looks like he is smiling when at full throttle...it is a thing of beauty similar to watching a cheetah run. He comes back in, sleeps for most of the day, then eats supper and repeats the "mad minute" race. If you want a dog that doesn't bark, eats little, and runs like a cheetah, go rescue a Grey.
OT...But my .02

A big "Right On!" to you for getting a rescue dog. My wife and I have a rescue West Highland Terrier, and work with the Westie Rescue group in CA.
There are just so many great dogs waiting for someone to give them a place to have that "mad minute race". BTW...Even a Westie can perform the ""chuck n' run" and then come in the house like nothing happened for a good snooze by the fireplace/AC duct depending on the time of the year.
OK...Back to original programming! Nature Miracle is the right material for this application as it will sanitize the spew and deodorize the smell too.

Ditto on Nature's Miracle. My dog has chucked up things not of this world and this product tackles the mess without fail. The bad part about owning a Greyhound (Retired Racer) is that they often chuck on the fly which gives a blast pattern similar to a low-level napalm drop...

Changing the subject- we rescued this particular Greyhound after he started slowing down at the track. He (it now...) is the most docile, lazy animal on the planet and is taking his retirement seriously. He was the easiest dog to house break since he was raised in a cage. He eats, goes outside, drops a load, then runs like a racer for less than a minute. He actually looks like he is smiling when at full throttle...it is a thing of beauty similar to watching a cheetah run. He comes back in, sleeps for most of the day, then eats supper and repeats the "mad minute" race. If you want a dog that doesn't bark, eats little, and runs like a cheetah, go rescue a Grey.
a new name

You have now been handed the award. My wife, a CFI had a gift as an instructor. Making her students sick. This earned her aircraft the very distinguished name of "THE VOMIT COMIT" now no longer instructing and flying an airbus for a major airline. She said that you can have the Title. She said treat it with respect.....and pass it on......

Rich Denton
No need to do aerobatics for a repeat performance, just gently pump the stick fore and aft while calling it "clear air turbulence" or some such...

Oh, tomato juice will get rid of the skunk scent. Can't vouch for the skunk getting rid of the other, though.

Good luck!
Noble cause, Jamie, just remember that!

My brother (who posts here and will probably chime in) used to fly skydivers. Part of his standard briefing was to request that any passengers who need to puke do so down the inside of thier shirt (tucked in). Limits the cleaning solely to the one who did the puking.

Not a lot of customer service in skydive flying, I guess.
Two comments: First, thanks to Tinman for giving me the biggest laugh of the day ... living with greyhounds sounds like hoot, and second ...tomato juice will NOT get rid of skunk smell, or any other aroma that I'm aware of .... not off dogs, not off people. All of us with dogs that live in the country have tried the age-old tomato juice "thing" one time when a dog came home after a close encounter. All of us found it does nothing ... other than maybe aid the tomato industry. :D
Thanks Guys.

I think I got the smell out. I used Nature's Miracle and then Fabreeze after it dried just to be safe. It actually smells quite pleasant in the airplane now. I flew it yesterday to see my dad in the hospital (he had a stroke but is OK now). I left it tied down with the canopy cover in the sun for 6 hours or so and when I came back it still smelled good so I'm hoping for the best.

And yes, I really enjoy flying Young Eagles. I already told that young lady that I would take her again if she wanted to go, and she said she would be back next month (we do a YE rally the 3rd Saturday of each month). She was/is a trooper.

This time, put the vomit bag in reach!!!!

Fooled me once, shame on you. Fooled me twice, shame on me.
This time, put the vomit bag in reach!!!!

Fooled me once, shame on you. Fooled me twice, shame on me.

It was in reach. It was between the seats. The location of the bag was briefed prior to startup. The problem was it was one of those instantaneous events with no prior warning.
Two comments: First, thanks to Tinman for giving me the biggest laugh of the day ... living with greyhounds sounds like hoot,

I have two greyhounds (Windhund in German), Windy and Snoopy, 45mph couch potatoes!! They can both run at a speed faster than my old Super Cub stalled at.

There is a product called Odo-Ban, which is now sold at Home Depot (previously we found it only at Sam's), which is very effective. We used it a few years ago when our dog got skunked.
Coffee for odor removal

Ground Coffee has been a staple of Flight Attendants for as long as I can remember. It does work on the liquid. Of course now, we carry hazardous waste removal kits on Commercial Aircraft as the vomit is classified as 'hazardous'. They will even hang bags of ground coffee in smelly lavs......to negate those odors.

Personally, I have had good luck with white vinegar/water mixture for the final clean up.