
Well Known Member
I peeled the UHMW tape off the flaps in preparation to for paint, and move of the adhesive was left behind on the flaps. Does anyone have a good way of removing the adhesive left on the flaps after removing the UHMW tape? Tried isopropyl and ethanol... no good.
Thanks in advance,
Try Goof-Off (or is it Goo-Gone? They both work....) - the stuff in a yellow can, Home Depot Aviation great on every adhesive I've run into.

Try a product called goo gone, it works very well on adhesives........ it can be found at home depot or lowes.

no goo-gone

Couldn't find Goo-Gone. Ended up using "Gumout" carburetor cleaner. It worked okay, but required some elbow grease.
Lacquer thinner is the best.

Lacquer thinner is the best.

I had some severely cracked and brittle UHMW Tape. The best way I found to remove the tape in this condition was to use 80 grit on a electric palm sander to sand through the top layer. Be careful not to go through the adhesive layer. Then I used a rag well soaked with lacquer thinner on the adhesive. This allowed me to use another rag to rub off the adhesive and the second layer of the tape. The lacquer thinner did not hurt the paint.

I bought the plane with the UHMW Tape in this condition and would never let it get this far before repairing it. Although it can be done without removing the paint, I did not find this method until I was into the job too far. I had to end up sanding down to the metal and repainting.

If the tape is not severely cracked, you can just pull up the tape and use lacquer thinner to remove the adhesive. Much easier than letting it get too cracked.
3M 08984

3M makes a general purpose adhesive cleaner designed for just that application. On dried adhesive it is best to let it soak for a few minutes before using a squeege to remove. It won't work thru the film of the decal though. 3M also makes a aerosol that will go thru the film, spray on and let dry. Scrape off and then the adhesive remover. Any automotive paint supply store should have those items.
My secret adhesive removal tool has been WD-40. I don't know what adhesive was used on the UHMW, but I haven't found a tape-backed adhesive that wouldn't come off with WD-40. For thin adhesives, give a spritz right on the adhesive and let it sit for a few seconds, then wipe with a paper towel. For thicker residue, soak the paper towel and apply it to the area. Hold for a little bit, and then wipe.
What about duct tape adhesive on plexi?

I some spots of residual duct tape adhesive on my canopy. suggestions??
Removing the UHMW tape is no fun...

I some spots of residual duct tape adhesive on my canopy. suggestions??

Just a heads up - something in duct tape will craze plexiglas, so I'd recommend never putting it on the canopy. I don't know what to recommend to remove duct tape residue either, but try whatever you use on scraps before putting it on the real deal.

A year ago, I removed all the UHMW tape from the flaps. It was a major pita. I tried a lot of things, but the plastic had become very brittle in 7 years. What finally worked was to build a little 1/4" wide scraper from plexiglas. There were a lot of hours spent scraping the old crud off, but of course this was only half the battle, or maybe 3/4's of it. After scraping, the adhesive goo needed to be removed, and I used lacquer thinner for that.

Don't use UHMW tape, the plastic simply won't hold up. The plane has been hangared except when on trips, and most of the problem tape is hidden under the top skin of the wings except during landings. I replaced it with what is supposedly a more durable urethane tape. We'll see.
Has anyone really figured this one out? We (Yours truly and Brian Unrein who posts here as Blahphish) started on one flap today. As it turns out, the UHMW tape is at least 3 layers - an outer layer of UHMW, a second layer (which is what yellows) and a third layer which is thin and clear.

The cracked outer layer of the UHMW tape came right off, but the next layer was yellowed and there was no way to peel it off. We tried mineral spirits (my first choice for a solvent), then WD-40, and then laquer thinner. The laquer thinner did enough damage to the yellowed layer that it could be scraped off. But nothing seems to touch the third layer.

No solution but when you get it off

No solution but when you get it off I suggest what Van's originally called out before all the cut fingers, stainless steel tape. Seven years now on mine and it still looks new.

Bob Axsom
I have replacement UHMW tape, but after today's experience trying to remove the old stuff, I think I'll try something else - probably one of the clear films.

I have used WD40 on occasion as a cleaner (it works better than anything else I have found to strip the grunge from flying wire terminals), but have always been told that it will contaminate a surface and compromise any repainting efforts, much like compounds containing silicones.

I have also been told that some aircraft shops will not allow a can of WD40 anywhere near the work areas. Has anyone had experience prepping and refinishing an area previously exposed to WD40?

Thank you for any information.
3M makes a general purpose adhesive cleaner designed for just that application. On dried adhesive it is best to let it soak for a few minutes before using a squeege to remove. It won't work thru the film of the decal though. 3M also makes a aerosol that will go thru the film, spray on and let dry. Scrape off and then the adhesive remover. Any automotive paint supply store should have those items.

The 3M stuff works well and even smells nice...:)

Spruce has it -

Data sheet here -

Should be OK on plexi, but I would verify with 3M first. It doesn't seem to have any solvents in it -
stainless steel tape


I have been looking all over the place for a source of this stuff. Willing to risk cut fingers for the possibility of finding a "final solution" to this problem.

Another vote for the 3M stuff. Try to get the top 2 layers off as a sheet - any bits of the middle layer left on will be very hard to remove. Then soak the bottom layer with the 3M stuff and scrape with an old piece of plexiglass. The glue will ball up and be a real mess, wipe it away with more 3M stuff (or mineral spirits). Takes a while and takes a few wipes to get rid of all of the glue.
