....spraylat is part water, so the older it is the drier it is.
In the sign business, we'd often mask an acrylic face, then not use it right away.....bad news. Often rolling on a thick topcoat of more spraylat would soften the first layer, and give a more substantial layer to pull on when peeling. If you dont' have more spraylat, try covering an area with masking tape, than may keep it from coming off in tiny bits.
soaking teh whole thing in water for a week might help, but it's almost impossible to peel when gooey.
any mechanical means will undoubtedly scratch the acrylic.

hope this helps a bit.....best of luck!
It comes off with a little effort

I once had an RV4 canopy that someone coated with Spraylat some 12-15yrs before I got hold of it. Some areas were thick and some thin. Most of it was VERY hard. I tried all kind of stuff to remove the coating but it wouldn't budge. I thought I was going to have to trash the canopy.

Drum roll please.......then I broke out the 3M Adhesive remover. I got the 1 qt. size can from my local automotive paint dealer.....the red and white can.

Using a soft towel I was able to soak a 3" x 3" section of the Spraylat. It gradually got softer and softer to the point it would 'roll up' with the towel and/or your fingers. I worked on the canopy for about 2 or 3 hours per night over the course of about a week doing a section at a time. When I finished the canopy plexi was clean as a whistle.

No Charge for this one....unless you want to buy me a hot dog at Sun n' Fun :rolleyes:!

Good Luck.....and let us know how you made out!

whats the easiest way to remove spraylat from a canopy?