
Active Member
Ok, I am a klutz.
Now that that is over with, does anyone know how to remove Sika primer from the inside of the canopy without using abrasives? I taped off the primer line, but I had the canopy upside down in a cradle to make it easier to work on, and some of the black stuff ran down (up as the canopy is installed) across the tape into the "look through" part of the canopy.

Other than that, I would highly recommend adhesive bonding in lieu of rivets for the installation of an RV-4 canopy
Ok, I am a klutz.
Now that that is over with, does anyone know how to remove Sika primer from the inside of the canopy without using abrasives? I taped off the primer line, but I had the canopy upside down in a cradle to make it easier to work on, and some of the black stuff ran down (up as the canopy is installed) across the tape into the "look through" part of the canopy.

Other than that, I would highly recommend adhesive bonding in lieu of rivets for the installation of an RV-4 canopy

Merle, good luck. The Sika primer bonds chemically with the acrylic canopy. You might find a solvent that would dissolve the primer (perhaps toluene) but I'll bet it would attack the acrylic pretty aggressively. As tedious as it may sound, I'd suggest taping off around the run, sanding the primer away, then using one of the canopy polishing procedures described in other threads here to get it at least semi-clear.

Bonding works great on RV-7 slider canopies too :)
Use Clay Magic or something like that.. Basically its a non abrasive clay that combined with a cleaner that is little more than soap and water (which actually works really well too with the clay)

It will take alot of rubbing but it will all come off.. The clay basically pulls it off not sanding it off. very tiny bits at a time.

Obviously you would not want to do any rubbing on your canopy in direct sunlight.. set up a blanket to lay the canopy on upside down so you can get to the inside with out it dripping in your face..

The stuff works great, regardless of brand.
Merle, the Slika only sticks to roughed out surface. Everywhere else I it peeled off with a thumb nail. Best regards, Bill
We made a small scraper out of left over canopy material and CAREFULLY scraped the primer off. It was an oh **** moment whe we peeled the tape, but the little scraper worked pretty good. Just take your time and be carefull.
Silka Flex on an RV-4 Canopy

Hello Merle
Sorry to read about your troubles with the Silka primer ..:eek:

I'm also happy to read that the stuff can be remove fairly easily..

I'm just about ready to start the replacement of my RV-4 canopy and I'm still seriously considering gluing it in place rather than using rivets...so I was wondering if you will have any pictures of your work you wouldn't mind sharing...it will be really appreciated..


Bruno Dionne
[email protected]
These were good.

I've just finished Sikaflexing my canopy and screen on our -9a. Here are two sites I used to guide me through the process. Thanks Mike and Brett.



Hope this helps.

The only problem I have (as I have just finished) in doing the clean-up, is removing the glue left by the electrical and packing tapes. If anyone knows of a safe way to do this, please let me know.
The only problem I have (as I have just finished) in doing the clean-up, is removing the glue left by the electrical and packing tapes. If anyone knows of a safe way to do this, please let me know.

The citrus based cleaners are very good for that and don't harm plexi.
..so I was wondering if you will have any pictures of your work you wouldn't mind sharing...it will be really appreciated..


Bruno Dionne
[email protected][/QUOTE]

Sorry, but I didn't take any pictures.
The only problem I have (as I have just finished) in doing the clean-up, is removing the glue left by the electrical and packing tapes. If anyone knows of a safe way to do this, please let me know.

WD-40 has worked for this for me in the past. No problems on any plexi i've tried it on. Spray onto a soft paper towel, and hold the moistened paper towel against the glue residue for a moment before wiping clean. Usually gets it in one pass.
I checked out the Plexiglas website. They recommend using kero for clean-up jobs. I tried it and it works well.

Hello Merle
Sorry to read about your troubles with the Silka primer ..:eek:

I'm also happy to read that the stuff can be remove fairly easily..

I'm just about ready to start the replacement of my RV-4 canopy and I'm still seriously considering gluing it in place rather than using rivets...so I was wondering if you will have any pictures of your work you wouldn't mind sharing...it will be really appreciated..


Bruno Dionne
[email protected]

Bruno, there is a section about this subject here. Hope it helps. More related stuff at earlier and later dates on the blog.

You wont regret doing it this way.
If you haven't seen it, there's a page on the Matronics Wiki that deals with Gluing your Canopy as well. I assembled it from a lot of different articles and posts regarding canopy gluing at least 5 years ago, so some of the links might be getting a little dated, but the information and photos are still valid.
Gluing an RV-4 Canopy

Hello Gents
Thanks a lot for the great info, it is really appreciated.

I took the canopy off the aircraft this afternoon and we ( a friend ( RV-7 builder ) and I should be starting tomorrow the tidious process of replacing my canopy...
I'll be a happy camper when this is over with..

I've got 3 projects going at the same time on the aircraft...OUF busy..


[email protected]

P.S: I'll try to take pictures when we glue the canopy and will post them if anyone wants them.
I am in this boat now, the LPS took the sika primer off? It ran down past my tape line and got on some unscuffed canopy, but the fingernail trick, at a glance, isn't' working as well as i would hope it would
I'd like some pictures as well

Ok, I am a klutz.
Now that that is over with, does anyone know how to remove Sika primer from the inside of the canopy without using abrasives? I taped off the primer line, but I had the canopy upside down in a cradle to make it easier to work on, and some of the black stuff ran down (up as the canopy is installed) across the tape into the "look through" part of the canopy.

Other than that, I would highly recommend adhesive bonding in lieu of rivets for the installation of an RV-4 canopy


If you would post some pictures of your progress that would be greatly appreciated.