Steve Crewdog

Well Known Member
Know it's almost impossible to remove it, and stumbled across the solution. Seems to be removing everything pretty well on a couple test parts that are pre-painted but will later be painted a different color.

Can anyone think of a downside?

Rubbing Alcohol works great!!

the sharpie can stain paint, particularly if it is powder coat. The only downside to the residual is staining through some primers, but it seems the ghost will disappear in sunlight.

I put sharpie on Akzo all the time and it comes off no problem with acetone. I also use the same on bare metal. But on painted parts, I've actually had good luck just rubbing my finger (alot) on the sharpie mark, but in truth, that wasnt on clear coat so YMMV.....
An old boss in the electrical shop at a papermill always swore by KanoKroil (penetrating oil) to remove Sharpie. It does work, but I'm not sure if it would stain or otherwise harm the paint under the Sharpie.