Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
I am planning to paint my RV-8 after it is flying. I plan to install the stick-on non-skid wing walk that I purchased from Van's. Will that thing be difficult to remove when it comes time to paint the aircraft? I am hoping that a bit of heat from a heat gun will be enough to soften the adhesive, and then some kind of solvent will be needed to clean it up. I would purchase a new non-skid wing walk to be installed after paint.

I've also pondered simply leaving it off until it is time to paint, but I imagine that there will be some times when the wing is a bit slippery, and standing on the slope (its a tail dragger) could be a bit precarious. Plus, the grit on the bottom of my shoes would be scratching up the surface. So I am inclined to install it, as long as it will come off OK.

I'd like to hear from a few guys who have removed this wing walk material. How did it go? If you had it to do all over again, would you still have installed the non-skid wing walk before paint?
Home Depot non-skid

Hi Kevin,

An alternative to putting on and removing the fancy wing walk is to buy a roll of the non-skid tape at Home Depot and use that to put down a temporary non-skid step. Grady removed mine when he painted, and never said a word (I'm guessing he used a heat gun).

This would be cheaper than trashing the fancy ones - just a thought.

Hey Kevin

Sounds like you're getting close ! I had the non-skid from Van's on my wing for a year before peeling it off and painting. I didn't need a heat gun, although in hind sight that would have been easier. It peeled off fairly easily and I just cleaned up the residual stickum with acetone.
