Have 2002 RV6-A that I purchased a year ago. During its condition inspection I noticed a leak on the inside of the right fuel tank. It would be easier to clean up and fix properly by removing the right wing tank. I drained the tank, I have removed all the screws holding tank to the wing. Are there any bolts holding the tank to the wing structure that I have to reach through the inspection access panel under the wing, or just need to remove all the screws, the nut and bolt holding wing to body, two fuel lines and electrical ground?



What you are saying is how the tank is held on. There is nothing to reach inside and disconnect. I did a Pre-Buy and Condition Inspection on an RV-6A and pulled the Left tank to do the Service Bulletin. I was able to do the Service Bulletin on the Right tank without pulling the tank.

Drawing 18A shows the fuel tank. Drawing 21 the Wing with tank. Drawing 46 shows the Wing / Fuselage attach.

When you purchased the airplane, the seller should have included the plans. If they did not, then I would recommend a purchase of the Preview plans.
Fuel Tank Attach

I'm not familiar with the 6A, but am building a 7A. If the construction is the same, then there are about a dozen bolts that attach z-brackets on the rear side of the fuel tank to the main wing spar. They are reached via the inspection panels on the underside of the wing. Again, that is a 7A.

Not the same, Rosie
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Thanks for the info.

Got the tank removed this morning with ease as we had one screw in the top, painted black that we missed removing. Took off the tank and removed panel that contains fuel float and pro-sealed the front lower inside corner and then the outside edge. That was the location of the leak.

The RV6A tanks are held by one side bolt to fuselaloge along with fuel line and return and electrical connection, otherwise it is all screws.

Thanks for the information :)