
Well Known Member
When I was doing the layups for my slider fairing I got a little epoxy on the side skin and didn't catch it until it had cured. It is a very thin layer about the thickness of packing tape. I can sand it off, but would rather remove it chemically if possible.

Being that it is on the side of the plane, I can't soak it in a jar of acetone overnight. Are there any strippers out there that will cut through epoxy?
If the epoxy is on smooth non-prepped AL, then it most likely will just pop off with little persuasion. A sharp pocket knife under one edge will most likely pop it right off.
This happened to me, and no it did not want to just pop off, I hope you plan to paint and no this is what I did, I took a wood chisel and sharpened it razor sharp on some 400 wet paper, and very carefully without cutting the plane open, removed the epoxy. it did leave some scratches but I scotch brited the whole plane for paint anyway.
Try using a plastic chisel (make out of leftover plexiglass scraps) to scrape/pop off the head of epoxy.
Try heating skin and then try peeling off epoxy

Great idea! I tried popping it off and scraping cold to no avail. Some heat should do the trick. If it was thick, it wouldn't be much of an issue, but since it is so thin the epoxy is just as flexible as the sub straight.
If you plan to paint yourself, this would be great practice for dealing with runs and other paint defects. You'd be amazed what you can get rid of with razor blades and sandpaper wrapped around a small rod, even things a few thousands thick.
