Ron B.

Well Known Member
Can someone point me in the right direction on removing the bread crumbs on my 796 and preventing them from showing in the future. My screen is getting cluttered during my Phase 1.
In the setup there should be an option to turn off track and it will also let you clear the track log. I don't know the 796 menu structure specifically, but the other Garmin handhelds work this way.

Hi Ron

On your 796 , press on the little arrow ( Pointing left )The ''Back'' key, in the bottom left corner of your 796..

--Click on '' Tools''

--Click on ',Track Log''

--Click on''the 3 little Bar''Menu Key'' ( To the right of the Back Key''the little arrow at the bottom of your 796)

-- Click on '' Clear Active track'' in the menu shown

-- Click on ''Set Up'' in the Menu

__ In the menu just below the Moving map shown, there are 2 green arrow with menus attached, click on the ''Line ''

--There you will see different menu with the track log at the top, just select the Track Log menu to ''Hide'' then you should be set..

--- Just do the process in reverse if you want your Track Log back..

Have fun during your phase one..



[email protected]
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