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Will acetone remove/damage dried akzo or paint?

If I wanted to remove akzo, is there a solvent that will do that, or is it removed only through a mechanical process?

If the surface was prepped and it's cured, it's pretty tough. Scotch brite and a solvent will scrub it off with elbow grease.
If it's just some over spray or drips it might come off with acetone or MEK.
Will acetone remove/damage dried akzo or paint?

If I wanted to remove akzo, is there a solvent that will do that, or is it removed only through a mechanical process?

Is this an academic question or is there a specific issue to address? Methylene chloride based paint removers will take it off. Are you restoring, removing overspray, what? Other methods might more appropriate than the paint remover.
This is purely academic. I was wondering if I am using acetone for other purposes, basically, is there any change it would remove primer or cured paint.

Maybe at some point I will need to remove primer from a surface, so a chemical may be better over mechanical means to avoid damaging a surface.

I've wiped marks off before many times. Unless you scrub or leave the Acetone on the part, it won't come off. Pretty tough stuff.