
Well Known Member
Anyone have a technique for removing the aft main thru-studs? The ones threaded to the right side of the case.

Ive tried the double-nut technique but they won't budge and I'm afraid of damage.

Should I just leave them and send them to Divco with case? I want to remove them and send them in with other stuff to Aircraft Specialties for inspection.
Hey Tim,

My experience is that they can go to Divco still in the case, and they’ll remove them and replace them. The two companies are basically next door to each other and cooperate daily, and if you tell them that you want them inspected, they’ll make it happen.

If you hit the studs with a torch, the locktite they use should soften up (it may take a couple minutes on the torch), and then the double nut technique should work.
Thanks everyone!

I ended up calling Divco and they confirmed to leave them in place and they will run them over to Aircraft Specialties to be inspected with all my other steel goodies.

FYI I tried using a heat gun, but that didn't work. I didn't want to use a torch as I was afraid of annealing that area of the case...probably over-cautious though.