Steve Ashby

Well Known Member
I am just about to fit the wings on my 8A for the first time to drill the aft spar, etc. Should I remove the flaps and ailerons before doing so? I assume that I will need to keep the fuel tanks on to fit and drill the angle brackets located on the inboard leading edge of the tanks. Thanks in advance for the advice.

The wings will be much lighter and easier to handle without the flaps and ailerons. Plus you wouldn't be able to drill the rear spar attach with the flaps in the way.
just remove the flaps

I just did this on my -7 last week and we just removed the flaps but left the ailerons on. Also make sure someone helps make sure the lower fuselage skin does not catch on the wing (assume the 8 is the same as the 7). A saw horse is also useful as you are trying to insert the wing.
I'm not sure exactly how the -8 attachment differs from the -6 or -7, but I found it useful to remove the wing tanks as well as the flaps when I put the wings on my -6A. With the tanks off, you have a little better access to the cockpit area from outside the plane. The tank root attach is not critical at the initial install as you set sweep and incidence with the rear spar attachment. The tank attachment is a slip joint useful for supporting the weight of the tank and fuel but not for setting alignment of the wing; you can do it later.

Sometime after attaching my wings, I put the tanks on, made the connections to the fuselage plumbing and added the root attach and safetied it. Then I did my root fairings and assumed I was done. HA! I just recently had them off again because I found I had to isolate the resistive senders from AC ground for the BMA EFIS. While I was at it, I installed new gaskets and re-tested for leaks. On the silver lining side, it was suddenly easier to work on the cockpit wiring and plumbing; I should've just left them off until I was ready to plumb the fuel system to the engine.

I would recommend you remove both the flaps (required) and ailerons just to make the wing easier to handle and reduce the risk of damaging your control surfaces.

The -8 may be different but the -7 and -9 have a bunch of Z brackets that attached the tank to the wing spar. Whereas the -6 does not, only the wing skins hold the tank in place. I would not want to try and bolt my tanks in place after the skins are riveted on. It can be done but what a PITA!
Just did my initial wing install last week with the help of Stu McCurdy and Seth Hancock. We did it without airlerons and flaps. It went very smoothly (which is to be expected with experienced guys like Stu and Seth helping).

As several have mentioned, the flaps have to be off and without the airlerons, the wing handling would be much easier.

We followed the Van's online instructions and my quickbuild wings and fuselage lined up almost perfectly. We double checked everything and by 5pm had all holes drilled. We did have a minor problem in that the front tank support brackets did not fit to the predrilled fuselage holes per the drawings. After a few checks, we swapped the right and left brackets and all was well.

I just finished the tank plumbing and will do the fairings today with flap and airleron fitting left for next week.