Paul S


I'm wrapping up the fuse and am curious if I should remove or just lower the pedals? I have not painted yet, but planned to baggie the pedals and I won't paint the firewall (the paint won't stick well). Thanks!!

I think some of us agree - best to remove them. Very hard to get the 2 clamps in place up under the shelf after you separate the wires into 2 bundles. Hard enough to do even when they are out. Don't have to work so hard to get the wires up and over the pedals also.

John Bender
pedal removal

I finished painting the interior and have not received the finish kit yet, but had I known the problems that ya'll are having, I would've removed the pedals. It's good that I'm double-jointed, otherwise, I never would have been able to wrap, undercoat, and then final spray the firewall. Incidently, I was really happy with the finish that that fleck-tone finish that Aero Wal-mart sells. I got REALLY lucky and bought the cans on sale.
Meade and George
Remove the pedals!!! There is NO way to install the two clamps that hold the wiring to the firewall shelf, let alone, wiring is SO much easier with them out. If you drop them a bit you still will not be able to install the clamps.
Thanks guys

Thanks, out the go, it will make painting this weekend a bit easier too. Marty, enjoy your crimper, not a bad tool for $31.00.