Well Known Member
I have a KX125 NAV COMM from around 1995 in my aircraft currently. I am going to remove and replace with a new radio. For now, as part of other upgrades I would like to remove the NAV side coax cable. However, I will not be removing the radio just yet and intend to still fly with it.

I think I know the answer to this question...Will it damage the NAV to be powered on without the coax attached? I do not want to ruin it, as I intend to sell it, because it currently works just fine. I assume it will be fine as it is only a receiver, but not my area of expertise.

You can remove the coax and/or antenna from a receiver, which is what the vor is, without harm. Do not do this with a transmitter (com, xponder, adsb-out, DME).