Depending on what your removing it from, Vans sells a gel that works quite well at removing it.
Where is it?

If it is on your tanks, don't use any chemicals as you run the risk of it penetrating the Proseal on the rivets.

Sand it off.
proseal cutter

I have not used it, but when this was discussed a while back, I decided to buy one of these just in case.


And a set of hard plastic scrapers, which have come in handy dozens of times.
Phenolic and plastic scrapers work well. The Yard has inexpensive phenolic scrapers and ACS has nice plastic ones. Polygone goo works best on residue.
Serrated plastic knife and lacquer thinner.

Do NOT use lacquer thinner or any other solvent. It can penetrate the Proseal around your rivets. And while it might not cause paint blisters now, in a coupled of years it probably will.
Removing proseal

I needed to do this for a leaky tank baffle; I haven't tried the Vans stuff but if you can obtain some 'Skyrestore' from ? Surface preparation ? Sealant removal

This does the job, although you need several applications to remove a little at a time- it's quite time consuming.
The only chemical that will touch cured Proseal is MEK. It is horrible, nasty stuff, be very careful. Use a mask and gloves. Cut off as much as possible then use MEK on a rag to rub off the residue, use it sparingly.