Has anyone attempted to install the trim switches on the control stick. I have infinity stick grips which has trim switches. I would like to utilize them instead of the push switch on the panel but can't get Van's tech. Guys to tell me which wires to connect to and I don't want to destroy the push switch.
Has anyone attempted to install the trim switches on the control stick. I have infinity stick grips which has trim switches. I would like to utilize them instead of the push switch on the panel but can't get Van's tech. Guys to tell me which wires to connect to and I don't want to destroy the push switch.

I'm planning on doing same. If you are going to have trim control from both pilot and co-pilot sticks. I would consider installing a double throw double pole switch to control which stick can control trim. Otherwise, you will have possible cross control signal to trim servo. Don't think trim servo would like that.

I found the Otto switches Van's uses with green led indicators....and plan on installing them following certification....also same for auto-pilot disconnect. I've run wires from sticks to instrument bay, but haven't figured out to best effect hook up.
Consider using Dynon AP panel as an interface


Since I've installed the autopilot servos, the tact I?m taking for connecting the trim switches on my grips is to use the Dynon Autopilot Panel as the wiring interface. Both my pilot and co-pilot trim switches on the grips will be wired in parallel and attached to the co-pilot input on the Dynon AP panel. Per the standard instillation, the panel mounted trim switch will remain active and is wired to the pilot trim input on the AP Panel. Here are the reasons I feel this is a good way to approach this especially since the wiring diagrams are available for installing the AP panel and moving the panel mounted switch wiring to the pilot trim input on the AP panel ? a concern of yours Jim.

First ? Isolation protection. The Dynon AP panel will let a signal on the pilot trim input override the inputs on the co-pilot input (which will be from the grip switches). Therefore, if your hand is on the throttle, the trim on the panel will override any inputs from either the pilot or co-pilot stick switches ? a good safety factor should one of the wires in the sticks develop a problem.

Secondly, the Dynon AP panel has a built in trim controller ? meaning no array of relays to wire up ? it is all done internally by the AP panel.

Thirdly, The Dynon AP panel provides built in logic for runaway trim protection, along with variable trim speed based on a user programmable air speed ? (likely not necessary on the 12) but the capability is there should the pilot want to slow the trim down at cruse speeds if deemed desirable to do so.

Lastly, with the autopilot engaged, the Skyview can make trim corrections automatically.

The AP panel will make the autopilot more capable and it appears to be easy to install. Plus it does not need to be installed with the Knobs panel should you want to save a few bucks.

Happy building,