
Well Known Member
The need has come up to monitor the temperature between the rear engine baffles and the firewall. The battery specifically, in the stock FWF location on a 7A. I have a Skyview system with a few open EMS pins if needed. I am also willing to run a wire inside for a stand alone temperature monitor, but I don't want it permanently mounted in the panel. Both PMag and Earth X have mentioned that it's getting too hot back there. I would like to monitor temps in varying flight conditions and get some hard data before I start looking for a solution. Not sure if it's a problem in flight, or after shutdown. Have flown and shut down in some pretty warm temps, but got the CHT's in check in the first 10 hours. 225 hours on her now:eek:

Have searched the forum, and google, but all I can find is industrial or home solutions that would not be a good fit. Any suggestions??
The need has come up to monitor the temperature between the rear engine baffles and the firewall. The battery specifically, in the stock FWF location on a 7A. I have a Skyview system with a few open EMS pins if needed. I am also willing to run a wire inside for a stand alone temperature monitor, but I don't want it permanently mounted in the panel. Both PMag and Earth X have mentioned that it's getting too hot back there. I would like to monitor temps in varying flight conditions and get some hard data before I start looking for a solution. Not sure if it's a problem in flight, or after shutdown. Have flown and shut down in some pretty warm temps, but got the CHT's in check in the first 10 hours. 225 hours on her now:eek:

Have searched the forum, and google, but all I can find is industrial or home solutions that would not be a good fit. Any suggestions??

Look at Omega, they carry some hand held thermocouple devices that will handle j or K. Some 1,2, or 4 thermocouples. Then get some cheap thermocouples appropriate to what you want to measure. The wires are not big, and you will need to write down the data for economy units. I have found many uses for mine, and plan to use it for just this purpose, to validate temperature of components and airflows.

Here is one.
That definitely would work. Using a Dynon EMS pin would be cheaper but I am thinking my heat issues are after shutdown. Keeping a record after shutdown with a heat soaked engine would be nice.

Unless someone has a better idea, I'll order one this week.
Buy a type "J" thermocouple and connect it to the Dynon EMS220 male D37 pins 27 & 28 or pins 36 & 37. Or connect to an unused CHT input.
Omega sells thermocouples for as little as $10.
Buy a type "J" thermocouple and connect it to the Dynon EMS220 male D37 pins 27 & 28 or pins 36 & 37. Or connect to an unused CHT input.
Omega sells thermocouples for as little as $10.

The omega sensor to the EMS looks like a great solution. Thank you.
Meat Thermometer!

I installed a $15 digital meat thermometer from in my plane to measure the lower cowling temperature. I drilled a hole in the firewall for the probe, and have the display sitting over on the passenger seat. It ain't pretty, but it works.