
Well Known Member
for folks with -3, -4 & -6 planes who have installed a remote magnetometer on a complete plane where did you end up mounting it? Seems the outer rib is a good spot but that is a long run of wire to deal with. Is there a decent location the rear fuselage that could also work?

I hung mine up high in the tail cone, went as far back as I could comfortably get into, tried to get as much distance as I could from the elevator servo without killing myself.
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High in the tailcone behind the pax seat bulkhead

I fabricated a shelf high in the tailcone behind the seat back in the baggage area. All Aluminum including mounting bolts. Full disclosure it is fastback with harness attachment on the top longerons at the back of the baggage compartment. Max distance from significant steel/cables etc. Short wire and good access.
RV-4 not complete but ...

Planning on making a shelf between LE ribs next to tank. Will require tank removal to service.

Probably silly, but would like to mount the (fat) OAT probe in front of the pitot tube.

Yes, could mount the D-10A on outer rib and run OAT cable out there. Of course would require wing tip removal to service.

Just don't like long cable runs either.

for folks with -3, -4 & -6 planes who have installed a remote magnetometer on a complete plane where did you end up mounting it? Seems the outer rib is a good spot but that is a long run of wire to deal with. Is there a decent location the rear fuselage that could also work?


Can you mount it inside the fiberglass wingtip. It is away from all the ferrous metal stuff. I am installing avionics in my rv8 build at the moment. This is where I plan to mount my magnetometer if the compass magnetic calibration doesn't work out with the current location of the ADHARS.
i put two angles across the fuselage about a foot behind the elevator bellcrank. mounted them to to 3/4X3/4X.063 angles on the fuse sides. I mounted the ahrs on those with nylon screws. I mounted the temp probe under the horizontal stab on the left side of the fuse.

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB
Put mine on the outer left wingtip rib under the fiberglass wingtip fairing. There?s a piece of conduit in the wing and it was easy to run a snake through it to pull the required wiring harness. No interference, works well.
Many magnetometers have been mounted on the shelf under the leading edge of the vertical stab. The mag in my RV-6 has worked flawlessly in that location for 15 years. I wrapped the mag in a plastic bag in case water drained down from the stab but I've never had a problem with dampness. It is an easy location to access for maintenance if needed. The ferrous elevator bellcranks are not a problem.
The magnetometer on my used 6 is under the vertical stab but thought about moving it forward behind baggage area for cg reasons when i start trying to lighten the airplane up.
In my RV-6 I installed it on the frame behind the baggage bay bulkhead. Also had an autopilot servo mounted just behind the bell crank so magnetometer was close but was not affected. I made a small shelf that mounted the magnetometer at the required angle, needed some tweaking to get the angle correct!
Here?s my location in Harmon Rocket.

I was able to put mine in the tail just under the vertical stab and it works pretty well. I've had no issues whatsoever.