Well Known Member
There are a lot of remote boxes in my intended setup with a Garmin package. I ran across this excellent site and like the use of the aft space for remote boxes especially since I want some weight aft for CG considerations.


I think I could mount a GTX-45R, a GTR-20 and a GDU-73 this way, and probably the AHRS unit too. There would be a CAN bus there already for the pitch servo. There would have to be some longer wire runs to the panel for a few connections but not a big deal overall. If I did that there would be a GDU, a GTN650, and an ARINC around the panel or perhaps even mount the ARINC aft.

This would really alleviate box crowding at the panel. I’m wanting to use the VPX system instead of breakers. If I run cable from the battery aft out to the firewall to a PPS or contactors, then ship power back to a VPX, where is the natural place to mount the VPX? I was thinking about how I could put it in the floor somehow. I think a VPX all the way aft would be unreasonable. Probably would end up behind the panel.

Is there a downside?
I'm planning on doing the same. Most likely the GDL82, GDL50, and comm 2 mounted aft. Think about what all connects to that box and the harness associated with it. ARINC for sure I would leave behind the panel, but that's me.