
Legacy Member
Eventually I will install a Dynon EFIS in my -9 and was wondering where there rest of you mounted the remote compass module?

This was prompted by the pictures of the SafeAir1 Remote Compass mount. It dawned on me that if I?m going to use this mount I had better drill the holes in the ribs before I close up my 2nd wing.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

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Are you suggesting that your wingtip will not be removable? If it is removeable, then you can drill the mount to your rib at any time. If it is not removable, I wouldn't put the magnetometer out there. You'll need access to it at some point.

No, the wing tips will be removable (p-nuts are my friend). I was thinking I would have to drill another set of holes for the wire then I realized they would fit down the conduit I ran. duh!

My issue with putting it in the wing is one of hanger rash, which is also the reason I'm using p-nuts to install the wing tips. I like the idea of installing the thing in the fuselage rather than out on the wing tip.

I guess what I'm really asking is, what is the "best" location and mounting method?
N941WR said:

No, the wing tips will be removable (p-nuts are my friend). I was thinking I would have to drill another set of holes for the wire then I realized they would fit down the conduit I ran. duh!

My issue with putting it in the wing is one of hanger rash, which is also the reason I'm using p-nuts to install the wing tips. I like the idea of installing the thing in the fuselage rather than out on the wing tip.

I guess what I'm really asking is, what is the "best" location and mounting method?

Guess I'm missing something in regards to the "hangar rash" problem. The mag doesn't have to be mounted until final assembly and everything is buttoned up. How does "hangar rash" figure into this?

My Dynon mag is mounted on the "shelf" just below the vertical stab leading edge. The unit is very accurate and consistent, and is readily accessed by removing the emp fairing (far fewer screws than a wingtip).

Don't know that anyone has come up with the "best" location, however...... ;-)

Sam Buchanan (RV-6)
I have the Whelan strobes in the wingtips. I expect that would disqaulify that location ??

Under the tail fairing. hmmm...........

Hanger Rash


I could see someone whacking a wing tip and taking out the mag unit along with the fiberglass. (I had this happen to my ?41 T-Craft while stored in a gang hanger and the other owner soon realized how expensive it was to repair fabric.)

I will have strobes out on the wing tips so that will probably disqualify that location. Sounds like I?ll be stuffing it in the tail some place. Your location might or might not be a good location for me. One question regarding that, Van?s once told me to be very careful putting extra weight in the tail of my -9. I wonder if that is because of the smaller engine (O-290) I?m going to use or the -9 in general. Any thoughts on that?
Dynon remote compass/thermal probe location

I mounted my compass module aft of the luggage bay, and my thermal probe in the shade of the HS on my RV-9A.

The last few photos on this page show how I did it.

Technically, the wing would have been a slightly better location for both, but I didn't want yet another connector and more electronics in the wing.


Vern Little RV-9A
N941WR said:

I could see someone whacking a wing tip and taking out the mag unit along with the fiberglass. (I had this happen to my ?41 T-Craft while stored in a gang hanger and the other owner soon realized how expensive it was to repair fabric.)

I will have strobes out on the wing tips so that will probably disqualify that location. Sounds like I?ll be stuffing it in the tail some place. Your location might or might not be a good location for me. One question regarding that, Van?s once told me to be very careful putting extra weight in the tail of my -9. I wonder if that is because of the smaller engine (O-290) I?m going to use or the -9 in general. Any thoughts on that?

Even if you decided to use the wingtip area for the mag installation, you wouldn't want to actually mount the mag to the tip. I would suggest the mag be located a few inches inboard of the tip rib (possibly even on the next rib inboard) so the mag would be isolated from other stuff in the wing tip. The damaged wing tip scenario would not effect a mag located a few inches into the wing; however, if the wing tip gets knocked off your RV-9 you have far greater problems than worrying about a $100 magnetometer! We build our planes to fly and perform, not to survive hangar accidents.......

The magnetometer and associated wiring and mount involves very little weight. I suspect the aft CG problem is greater on my RV-6 than with your RV-9.

By the way, an easy way to check a location for suitability for mag installation is to hold a simple magnetic compass in the area. If there are no flux fields strong enough to deflect the compass needle, the location should work fine for the magnetometer.

Sam Buchanan
I don't think the wing is a bad place to put it. You have to be careful mounting it under your baggage floor, or close to your baggage area in case you toss something back there that creates a magnetic interference. I looked at the rear empennage deck like Sam, but on the Rocket, this area is not as large as the RV-6/7/9.

In the end I decided in the wing inside the first bay just aft of the spar.
On my 4 I mounted it AFT of the Pitot, aileron bell crank panel.

On my Ultimate I mounted it under the bagage shelf. Both units work fine.

Well....we've now made literally hundreds of harnesses to install these things for people, and here's what has ended up being most popular.

#1) On the wingtip (not the wingtip itself, but on the end rib)
#2) Behind the baggage compartment or the aft shelf (like sams)

I have mine mounted behind the baggage bulkhead in my -6 and it's worked fine.

The newer D-10A's are a lot less finicky about the remote mag location, because the newer software will account for fluctuations in magnetic fields to some extent. Either way, you'll probably be fine.
