
Well Known Member
It is still a GO(!) for the 4th Annual Palmetto Fly In at KCUB (Columbia Owens Downtown).
We have a couple of surprises for our visitors this year ... if I told you it would not be a surprise now would it?

Since it is close enough, it would be nice if you could shoot me an email giving a "guesstimate" of how many may be arriving in your group as we will be buying LOTS OF FOOD either tonight or in the morning.

Weather should be clear so there should be some nice RV's there to drool over and maybe even get a ride! Bring your cameras.
<Rumor has it that some of the "TeamRV" folks might be there and of course they will be in "formation" ... so ya gotta come see that. :) >

James (and Ken and Patty)

The Palmetto Wing of Van's Air Force

Invites any and all RV pilots/flyers/builders, EAA members

To the fourth annual


Saturday, April 7th
No Rain date since Sunday is Easter
(If it rains we will be eating a lot of hamburger)

Columbia Downtown Owens Field Airport
Columbia, SC

Palmetto Burgers and Carolina Dogs
Grills will be fired up at 11:00 AM

No Program
No Vendors
No Speeches
No Organization
No Charge
(Donations Accepted for
EAA Chapter 242)

Just good food, RV's, and friendly conversation.


Note right traffic for runway 13

i really, really, hate to miss this one :mad: the times in the past ive seen some nice planes here. great food as well. ya'll have fun ;) maybe next year i'll take a more active role in helping my wife plan the vacation so as not to overlap. arrrrg
cytoxin said:
i really, really, hate to miss this one :mad: the times in the past ive seen some nice planes here. great food as well. ya'll have fun ;) maybe next year i'll take a more active role in helping my wife plan the vacation so as not to overlap. arrrrg
Hey, just make it **PART OF** the vacation! :)

Have a wonderful time and see ya next time around.

Looks like the weather is going to "severe clear" but "crisp" ... nice day for flying.

Nice "warm up" flight before SnF.

Hey James... I'd love to come up and fly with ya'll. But gotta take the family to Cincinnati for a birthday & easter get together. My plane looks a lot better since the last time you saw it. Hope to fly with Palmetto guys soon.
Spam can arrival

3 guys in a G1000 Spam can inbound... (and we like to eat which is why we are taking the spam can... my aa-1a would be WAY over gross.) Maybe we'll get lucky, and fly back in an RV.... I'd love a good tall gear -4 or a -6a or -7a...or -8!
If we can bring anything Please let us know!
ps... dads comming in a -9a so 4 total
Palmetto Fly In Re-cap ... Part 1

This past Saturday, April 7th, a several determined souls braved forecast winds of "gusting to 32" knots on top of a "cold snap" and made their way to Columbia-Owens Downtown Airport (KCUB) for the 4th Annual Palmetto RV Fly In. Some called and cancelled and several dozen decided to come by land instead.


But as usual, good food and good fellowship was the order of the day, along with a chance to take a look at some nice RVs. We thank everyone who came and made it another nice get-together.


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Palmetto Fly In Re-cap ... Part 2

jclark said:
This past Saturday, April 7th, a several determined souls braved forecast winds of "gusting to 32" knots on top of a "cold snap" and made their way to Columbia-Owens Downtown Airport (KCUB) for the 4th Annual Palmetto RV Fly In.
On a sad note, our first and most prolific Carolina RV builder, Ray Chaplain passed away earlier in the week. Ray had built an RV6, RV6A, RV7A and an RV8 and was visited by Van "hisself" in the early days. His deep red (burgundy) with gray stripes RV8 has been seen many times in various magazine articles about F-16 flyers who are also flying formation in RVs. Ray had recently finished a Zenith Light Sport Aircraft. I know he would have done an RV12 instead if they had been available at the time and his most memorable saying about his last project was "... it ain't no RV!...". We will miss Ray, his dry wit and his paving the way for us as builders here in the Carolinas. We were fortunate to have Mike Stewart and Danny Kight of TeamRV join us for a "Missing Man" flight for Ray and I am told that his family and friends really appreciated it.


The attached picture above, taken by EAA Chapter 242 newsletter editor, Mike Hoover, is a 5-ship fly-by after the flight for Ray. Lead: Ken Harrill (RV6), 2: James Clark (RV6), 3: Tad Sargent (RV7A), 4: Danny Kight (RV6), 5: Mike Stewart (Super8).

But in the one below, I think #6 is a bit high and "acute", or is it just Ray in the ultimate RV, "Gone West"?


Got the "Picasa" links to work. (Many Thanks to Jamie!!)

Thanks to some work by Jamie and described in another post, the solution to getting Picasa to work has been found.

The link below should take you there but if not just search on "Picasa".


Again. many thanks to Jamie.

I updated the "re-cap" to add pictures. Had to make it Part 1 and Part 2 as there seems to be a limit (2 or 3 ??) on the number of pictures you can include in a posting.
