
I'm New Here
So I've been working on this fuel tank forever.... I am finally ready to rivet in the inner rib and while moving it around to put the proseal on I broke off the ?!@#$! wire on the bnc connector. Rather it happen now then later on I suppose....
So my question is I have already gooped this connector in place and it would be a real pain to try to get it off to install a new one, so would I be better off leaving it and installing another one in a different location?
I couldn't find anywhere on the fuse plans where the penetration for the wire is, it only showed the fuel and vent line. If I do install another one, what would be a good alternate location?
RV-9A (slowest build EVER!)

Thanks for you help Chris.
I drilled out the old connector and it drilled out fairly easily!
Gonna use the connector for the other tank for now and order a replacement with my next round of screwup parts that I need :)
a suggestion

Good afternoon Jennifer,
I am at the same step for my 7 and was disappointed that there was no sort of crimp on the BNC connector after I soldiered it to the wire. What I did was use a bit of shrink tubing to help re-enforce the "joint" between the two. Might help keep it together while being handled.