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Caught a ride over to REKLAW this past weekend at the Flyin M Ranch. This place was a blast. If you are a pilot and love aviation, then this is a definate must on your to do list. 3 days of flying fun and never a dull moment... Flew over in a friend of mines RV6.... What better way to show up to a great event like this than to do it in a Vans RV!!

Here is a video of the weekend that I put together. Enjoy.

great airplanes, awesome music, but ... did I see this right that the tractor who cut the grass got pulled over for speeding??? :)
great airplanes, awesome music, but ... did I see this right that the tractor who cut the grass got pulled over for speeding??? :)

Well Kinda..... A few days before the event one of the mowers caught some grass on fire and it ended up burning down a Porta-O-Let..... I beleive the cop was following the mowing and watching for fires in case one started.....

But I Like to tell people that yes, he was pulled over for speeding and careless driving...... :)
Great video...

You didn't get any video of the one that crashed though?

That fly-in has just gotten too dangerous for my blood. Too many kids running across the runway with a constant stream of aircraft passing down the runway and too many folks lined up in the pattern just to get their shot at a flyby.

I think it's been too successful. :D

This one....

Glastar goofed

Evidently a glastar sportsman, configured as a trike, folded the nose gear and ended up on it's back. Not a fatality, but the plane was bent pretty badly. Left wing and strut broken.

The flyin was great, but there are a lot of people that just don't get the landing process on an other than "standard" runway. I made it a point to park in the day parking off the runway.
I love this flyin, but there are a LOT of seriously ignorant people crossing the runway in a patently hazardous manner, and the flybys; I LOVE the flybys! The 9th circuit by the same plane, however, borders on the asinine. (yes, I'm talking to you, 177 cardinal. Get over yourself.)

Nice Video!! Something I'll definetly forward to my son. Sad to hear about the incident. It's so important to keep that nose wheel up as long as practicable on these types of runways. I think there was a good thread about that here recently.

Grat Vid!!
This one....


I guess that happened after we left Saturday afternoon.. I didnt see that..

Glad nobody was seriosly hurt. I did notice alot of people didnt have good grass landing techniques. Not sure the cause of this one... Alot of landings and takeoffs I watched, where they would leave the full weight of the aircraft on the nose wheel instead of pulling the weight off.
Hot off the press. If anyone has pics, they're wanted.


From: Marcia Mason
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 4:20 PM
Subject: Reklaw 2010 Glastar incident

Thanks to all of you for attending this year?s Wreck-law fly-in. The FAA has issued a request for any photos of the Glastar that totaled, prior to it?s being moved off the runway over to the trees. (He was OK.)
Please send your photo or video to us here at the Flying M.
The pilot is in approval with this request and has cooperated fully with the NTSB and FAA.

Surprisingly, there was very little damage to other aircraft in the microburst that followed later that evening. One Champ had an unlicensed tree limb damage the fabric, and one Cessna had a ding in the wing from a tent that went flying without proper clearance, but the bulk of damage was confined, thankfully, to tents and sleeping bags. Thanks for tying down your aircraft securely or it would have been much worse.

RE: Lost & Found, we are looking for the owner of a camera and also for a pair of men?s Rx eyeglasses left near the registration area but missing.

See y?all next year!

Marcia & David Mason
stinsoneer at
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