"FAR 61.315(c)(3) prohibits an individual exercising sport pilot privileges from acting as pilot in command of a light sport aircraft when he or she is (1) carrying a passenger or property for compensation or hire, (2) operating for compensation or hire, or (3) operating in the furtherance of business."

There are many examples out there where the FAA has further defined #3 above. Unfortunately it looks like the FAA is standing firm that monetized videos are "operating in the furtherance of business". They even go as far to say that if you give your footage to someone else that monetizes them, it is "operating in the furtherance of business".

The drone world is really at odds with all that.

I doubt anyone is going to come after you unless you go viral which while rare can happen for the strangest kinds of reasons.
This seems like one case where "forgiveness vs permission" should be strongly biased towards "permission." Just the hassle and possible expense of getting dinged is enough of a deterrent.

On the plus side, all the bad video I shoot will be ad-free. :)