fwiw,i sent in my faa application on 1/25. i got my reg. card back monday.

I got mine is just a few days too. Maybe, since a lot of them are working from home (I think) they've got more time to do their jobs instead of visiting with each other in the office. lol:D:D
I got mine is just a few days too. Maybe, since a lot of them are working from home (I think) they've got more time to do their jobs instead of visiting with each other in the office. lol:D:D

Now THAT'S funny, but probably has some truth to it. I just mailed my reg and tracking says they got it yesterday, so it will be interesting to see how long that takes then.
I got mine is just a few days too. Maybe, since a lot of them are working from home (I think) they've got more time to do their jobs instead of visiting with each other in the office. lol:D:D

On top of this. I got my AWC inspection for my RV9A from the FSO Monday. There were 4 "inspectors" at my house. One of them (Tom) was just "helping" the main guy (James). The other two were in training. They did a great job, we had a lot of fun.

Tom's son actually graduated from the private school that my wife taught at, (she knew the family). James' daughter went to another private school that were rivals to each other. They didn't know that about each other till I started asking Tom some questions. THEN, they started ribbing each other (rivalry).

Inspection went great. I now have a real airplane.
I'm not 100% on this but from my (failed) attempts to reserve a number the last two months, i think they may do a batch job getting these around the end of each month.

fwiw,i sent in my faa application on 1/25. i got my reg. card back monday.
I'm not 100% on this but from my (failed) attempts to reserve a number the last two months, i think they may do a batch job getting these around the end of each month.

Initial registrations have priority and typically take 2-3 weeks.
Reservation of numbers takes 2-4l months.
Both N Numbers I requested are now available again

I requested 1 of 2 N numbers some weeks ago. Paid my 10 bucks.

I noticed this morning that both of the N numbers I'd requested were "Available" again. This is the third time I've gone through this recently, the other times someone else had got to the N number for I did I guess.

I assume the FAA isn't just trying to fleece me out of 10 bucks every few months, but this whole process is very opaque and annoying.

Anyone experienced this before? Any suggestions?

In case anyone else has questions on the N number reservation system, i'm adding an update to my above comment. I was able to gather some info on the process from the FAA:

1. The "available" indicator on an N number is largely meaningless. They reset the availably of N numbers everything 30 days. It is only intended to prevent too many requests.

2. They are currently processing reservations from about 3 months back.

I'm reserving any feedback or comments on the process .... ;-)