Desert Rat

Well Known Member
Just in case anybody is wondering what sort of lead time there is in OK City these days, I sent off my registration package on 11-29. I just looked up the N number on FAA site and it shows that it was assigned 12-7.

Thats pretty awesome
Not the same but I reserved an N number 9/21 and still doesn’t show reserved on the N number data base.
Not the same but I reserved an N number 9/21 and still doesn’t show reserved on the N number data base.

I've had this one reserved for a couple of years, so it was already tee'd up. I reserved it in my personal name and then registered in the name of an LLC so I thought that might slow it up, but obviously not.
They have a few different work groups in OKC. For example I sent in my registration request with a letter to assign a reserved N and a check. It took just 5 weeks to get the plane into my name and a registration certificate mailed to me.

Then it took another 2 months to get the form authorizing me to install the new N on the plane. After that it's been 2 months and I'm still waiting for the new registration certificate with the new number. When I called last week they told me they're still about 3 weeks from when they received my signed form.

After I get that then I'll have to contact the local FSDO to get a new AW certificate from them, so that will add a few more weeks or months or a year, it'll all depend on who I get there.
Initial registrations are given priority and are usually turned around within a week or so.
Proof your info when you get your registration. I apparently now live in JACKOSN.
Guess I’ll be calling the FAA in the morning.
For the registration, what is the Bill of Sale? Is that a new paper sent by Vans other than the invoices?
Look here
I'm about to send my registration information into the FAA for a NEW registration. I have a reserved "N" number. The letter that came with the reservation mentions a $10.00 "number change fee". Do I have to pay that along with the $5.00 registration fee or just the registration fee?
