
Active Member
I just got my 8050-3 Registration card for my build. Happy day! It took them only about 6 weeks from the time I pushed the button to the card showing at my door.

Here's the question. All my paperwork has my name as Last, First Mi. (with punctuation). The registration card has Last First Mi with no punctuation. I've read countless times on the site that the data plate on the plane must match EXACTLY the forms and registration. What should the data plate say if the forms and registration do not match?
DAR better to give the answer

One of my forms had commas separating last name, First and Middle but all my Registrations (8050-3) had last name first then first name then middle no punctation and that is what I used on the name plate data. Seemed to be ok with the DARS and FSDO.
The Registration and the Data Plate both ID the aircraft. The later primarily in the event of an accident. So they must match exactly.
The other paperwork has other misc. functions so it possibly will not match exactly and is less criticle. For example, I believe the Request for Rating form is filled out First, MI, and Last.