
Well Known Member
I am in the process of registering my RV7 and noticed that there are places for multiple owners on the registration. This got me to thinking that maybe I should include my wife in case of my death so that the plane wouldn't get tied up in the probate.

My question is can my wife be on the registration if she is not on the Bill of Sale from Van's?

Thanks in advance.


You can put in both of your names, but if you ever sell it she will have to sign the bill of sale also. You can put it in your will that she gets the airplane if you die. Every state is a little different about the will.
Best to check with a lawyer, of course, but...if you're married and you die, generally doesn't everything just pass to your wife?
Best to check with a lawyer, of course, but...if you're married and you die, generally doesn't everything just pass to your wife?

No. In community property states half does because it is already hers. If you have a will it goes where you say. If no will the rules of the state apply.
No. In community property states half does because it is already hers. If you have a will it goes where you say. If no will the rules of the state apply.

Yeah, I guess I've been in a community property state so long I didn't really realize that there are so many that *aren't* community property states :).