
Well Known Member
Hi all --

I did a search on this topic but came up with nothing. Anyway, here is what is on my mind. I am getting ready to fill out all of the paperwork for registration, and some of the forms mention builder name only (notice I didn't say "names"). I requested, and have received, the BOS from Van's, and I have listed both myself and my wife on the BOS. I know there is space on the registration form itself for her name, but what about all of the other forms (i.e. affidavit of ownership, etc.)??? Do I have to list her on everything (except the repairman's cert. app)???

It's been many years since I did my paperwork but I do remember that my paperwork got kicked back from the FAA because the FAA paperwork did not EXACTLY match the names on the bill of sale from Van's. I'm sure Mel can expand on this but I can say to make sure FAA paperwork names all match the bill of sale. The Repairman Certificate can list only one person and has my name on it even though the plane is co-owned :p Rosie

I just went through this myself. The FAA is very helpfull if you give them a call. I got through very quickly and explain my situation, complicated! My father bought the plane he passed away I finished it. Then there was two bills of sale etc., etc. They told me exactly what I needed. Paul is right though the names have to all match exactly. As far as I know you can co-own the plane but only one can have the repairmans certificate. Go here for the phone numbers.