
Well Known Member
Hope today finds you well..! I’m beginning the process of registering my RV-10 and upon receiving the 8050-2 (bill of sale) from Vansaircraft under the aircraft manufacturer sub heading they (vans aircraft) put Vans Aircraft, Inc. instead of my name. From memory of planes I registered in the past aircraft manufacturer should be my name(I could be remembering wrong ☺️). I contacted vansaircraft and spoke with Jasmine, who is responsible for producing the 8050-2, and she said they have been putting Vans Aircraft, Inc. as the manufacture for the past several years. Now on the 8050-1 under the aircraft manufacturer sub heading I put my name down (Davis, William E.). Will this get kicked back from the FAA?

The bill of sale from Vans Aircraft is for the *kit*. You are manufacturing that into an *airplane* and as such become the aircraft manufacturer. They remain the kit manufacturer.
The bill of sale from Vans Aircraft is for the *kit*. You are manufacturing that into an *airplane* and as such become the aircraft manufacturer. They remain the kit manufacturer.

Thanks Rob for the explanation; makes sense.

My name is on my plate ... did it in June this year.

Hi Bill I checked the instructions from the EAA and they show the aircraft manufacturer as the builders name on the 8050-1 and 8050-2. I’m gonna send it in as is and see what happens. I can see both ways as acceptable but realize the FAA doesn’t always have the same viewpoint. ☺️

God bless
I did it to match the other paperwork ... worked for the gov't in the past. Lesson learned!
My BOS from Van's (like most others, AFAIK) has the word "AIRCRAFT" at the top marked out and the word "KIT" stamped next to it. Despite whatever is on that form (e.g., the *kit* serial number in the "Aircraft Serial Number" box), like most others, I put my name for Manufacturer and, like some others, a different serial number ("1") on the 8050-1, and as expected, got the registration with my name and chosen serial number. Just use the 8050-2 as a BOS for the kit, and that's all.

After all, as noted, Van's didn't build the plane...you did. So YOU are the manufacturer for the 8050-1 and all other forms.
You could also register it as a "Davis Special" SN #001 if you want. Might help you with the tax man down the road. I sure wish my Rocket was like this... Would help in taxes AND insurance. Having a big database of comparable aircraft the government and insurance companies can draw from has its drawbacks.
The bill of sale from Van's for the KIT will have their name as the KIT manufacturer. Do NOT put their name as the manufacturer of the AIRCRAFT (unless it's an RV-12 being built as an E-LSA).

For Amateur-Built aircraft, the builder name must be the entity who is presenting the aircraft for certification, NOT the kit manufacturer's name.