Mark Henderson

Well Known Member
1. The bill of sale from Van's does not give an amount for the purchase price. What amount, if any do I put?

2. I have an N number reserved. Do I just list it on the 8050-1 and 8050-2 forms, or do I need to give them a copy of my reservation?

3. Form 8050-88a, the affidavit of ownership, on the first line under LSA mfg. affidavit has a line called "U.S. identification". Is this my reserved N number or what?

Registration documentation

Hi Mark
I didn't fill in any cost numbers, but I did send a copy of my N-number verification letter from the FAA with the request. I don't remenber what i did on the third question-- I'll have to dig out my papers and check

Wayne 120241/143WM
Cost numbers for 8050-1

For form 8050-1, I think you can just enter "$1 OVC" for the selling price. This is what I have done in the past for certified aircraft. The OVC just stands for "other valuable consideration". Given that copies of these documents are available as public records, it seems that many use this for privacy reasons. I cannot remember whether the instructions with the form address this.

Don't forget to check your state laws around aircraft registration as well. In Indiana, we have to pay both the sales tax on the kit components and an excise tax when it is registered with the state. The purchase date for a homebuilt in Indiana is considered to be the date the airworthiness certificate was issued. I suspect each state differs in this regard however.