
Active Member
Just as a heads up for anybody getting close to first flight. My plane has just left the paint shop and I admit that I'm procrastinating a little, but I thought I had better start getting my paperwork ready. Imagine by surprise when the lady at OKC said to expect between 90 and 120 days lead time for the registration application to go through the channels! My plane will be ready to fly in 30 days at the most. She said they have been swamped with applications since the rec. pilots license got passed. I guess I am going to be looking at a completed airplane in my hanger for quite some time before I can fly it. Anybody else experience this situation?.......or is she just giving me a worst case scenario.

I just sent in my registration application and I'm still a few months away from completion. However, you retain the pink copy of the form and that acts as a temporary proof of registration much like buying a car. I'm not sure how long its good for since I'm at work right now, but I think you may be OK as long as you have applied and retained the pink copy.
I just got off the phone with an airplane owner that is ready for his Airworthiness Inspection. Last time I talked to him was about a month ago and he did not have his registration. He now has the registration.

You will need the registration back from Oklahoma City to get your Special Airworthiness Certificate.

If you are in a hurry, use the AOPA service to get it registered. They have people in Oklahoma City and should be able to walk it through. I know one guy that had 3 registration numbers reserved. Two weeks before his inspection, he phoned AOPA to expidite the registration of the number he wanted. One week later, he had the registration in his hand. Not sure how much extra this cost but it can be done.


wyoflyer said:
Just as a heads up for anybody getting close to first flight. My plane has just left the paint shop and I admit that I'm procrastinating a little, but I thought I had better start getting my paperwork ready. Imagine by surprise when the lady at OKC said to expect between 90 and 120 days lead time for the registration application to go through the channels! My plane will be ready to fly in 30 days at the most. She said they have been swamped with applications since the rec. pilots license got passed. I guess I am going to be looking at a completed airplane in my hanger for quite some time before I can fly it. Anybody else experience this situation?.......or is she just giving me a worst case scenario.
My Recent Experience

I sent in my registration the second week in August. Got it back (unfinished)2.5 weeks later because of a minor error on the form (I didn't print my name as well as sign it in the signature block), signed it, sent it back the next day. Two weeks later, almost ready for inspection, I called them, she had it on her desk, and put it in the mail that afternoon.

I think the 90 days is way worst case, and if you give them a reasonable couple of weeks, then call (and don't treat them like the enemy!), they'll get you taken car of. YMMV of course....

Paul Dye
I registered a Kitfox six months ago. I sent the paperwork in. 2-3 weeks later I got a response saying that the bill of sale chain was incomplete plus I forgot to send in the $5 check! (Lesson learned: Use a checklist to make sure you send in all the required stuff). I wrote them a letter explaining the bill of sale discrepancy plus the $5. A couple of weeks later the registration certificate showed up!

I concur, the 90 days is worst-case. I'd say it is probably 30 days if you're paperwork is complete.

... Bill
Severna Park, MD
RV-7 Fuse
Well, you guys are giving me hope. I did talk to the EAA this morning and they said that the 90+ days sounded rather unreasonable.......however, if at all possible, don't mess up the application. Make sure it is filled out correctly. He said a couple points are to have a physical address, not just a box number. And also to make sure the chain of ownership is clear and correct.
AOPA expedite service

I followed up on Gary's advice above.

Val at AOPA in OKC needs the following

the completed form- 8050-88 (?) the one in triplicate, with a Bill of Sale, heck I forgot number 3.

#4-- a check for a $100.

She's sending me the triplicate form in the mail.

1-800/711-0087 ext. 213

(how long does it take to rivet bottom skins on wings, mount wings, build a canopy wind screen, rivet top deck, build an inspection plate in top deck, paint fiberglass.... and move to airport?) I'm guessing 45 days. roll the dice or a ben franklin for procrastinating?
Roll the dice

To save 100 bucks I'd roll the dice. If you don't goof up the form, the FAA will have the paperwork done before you have completed your aircraft!
Yep. In June of this year I sent in my registration paperwork, 2.5 weeks later I had my white registration card from the FAA.
Also keep your names straight.....

If you are John Q. Smith on one form, don't be J.Q. Smith on another... keep all of your names the same...:)

If both of your names could be first names, it might help to capitalize your last name -such as - Patrick RUSSELL

The FAA likes clean paperwork that matches...

gil A
Also, I believe our DAR will NOT accept the pink copy of the registration. He wants to see the paperwork back from the FAA. I seem to recall him mentioning that that was FAA policy on new experimental certifications.

As a Tech Counselor, I suggest filing the papers 6 months before the expected completion.

I also would agree with the comment about treating the ladies in OKC nicely...I had to get my papers in 5 days to meet my schedule and with overnite mail and several very polite calls, I got full support.

That is correct. The pink copy only works for a registration transfer on an aircraft that already has an airworthiness certificate. For a new certification the aircraft must have proof of registration. This can be in the form of the hard copy of the registration or completed registration showing on the FAA Registration website.
being nice

Ditto the nice part. I've found that the nicer & politer :confused: you are to them, the harder they'll work FOR you.

Marshall Alexander
Registering an RV

I hope I wasn't caught off guard by this. My plane is about a month out from being ready to fly. I sent the registration information in today for processing. I also included a letter requesting the app be expedited because of my lack of knowledge of the process.

I'll let everyone know when it arrives.

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ
affidavit of ownership question-co owner

darwin- you're supposed to be flying and I'm supposed to be at the airport by now. :(

I'm a co-owner with my father-- they sent my 8050-88 back and said affadavit must be signed by both co-owners.

I assumed this was the form, since it only has room for one person, where only I would be on it since I will get the repairman's certificate. So, I'll head back to the bank with dad. not much of a question.
FAA vacuum

Well, I got my registration back within 13 days. HOWEVER, they put the wrong tail number on it. I sent it back with a letter requesting the proper tail number as instructed. They received it in on Nov 3. Two weeks ago I called and asked the status. I was told it was in the stack that was to be processed on Nov 28. I was told tail number changes are not a priority.

I called yesterday and asked the status. They said they are processing the papers received on October 28, so I still had some time. I tried to explain my plight (my plane is ready to go) but they said it was not a priority.

I called the AOPA rep at Oak City and she advised me to have them send the original back or a duplicate so I could at least fly and they change the number on the plane when they get around to changing it. I got in touch with the same woman I spoken to earlier and she said she would send out a duplicate today. We'll see.

Register early and if you have swapped reserved numbers make sure they do the right one.

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ
Previously Reserved N#


If you have a number reserved, do you need to send in $15 or only $5 to request the number you reserved be assigned to you when you register the plane? This is unclear (to me) in the AC20-27F how this works. Thanks!
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If you have already reserved a number, you only need to send $5 for the registration.

As a reference point it only took 21 days from time the letter went into the mail until I received my registration card. This was last Month. It seems that the FAA is either working faster or April is a slow month for registrations.