Scott Will

Well Known Member
About to send in my paperwork to the FAA... I think I understand it all. However, how do you list your engine if you have it built by one of the engine builders? My engine is an Aerosport Power IO-360B2B. What do I put down for manufacturer and model?

On some, I've seen LYCOMING and IO-360 SER... something like that.

Any tips on what should be listed?
Registering engine

Funny you should mention that!
We majored our own engine and everything was yellow-tagged (crank, cam & lifters, etc) but no mechanic would sign off the major, including a friend AP/IA of ours. The day the DAR showed up, he wouldn't pass us even tho' there was not one mechanical squawk. The problem is that neither of us is a certified A&P so we couldn't sign the logbook and keep the engine certified. The other otion was to remove the data plate and call it a Smith/Morgan 0-360 and give it a new data plate and serial #, which is what we did and he passed it immediately. So now it's technically not a certified engine- it's an experimental (although with all the original Lyc parts) engine and so we had 40 hours for phase one instead of 25. I suspect you will have an Aerosport 360 or whatever and it'll be an experimental engine with the expected 40 hour flyoff,
Pierre :cool:
Your engine should be lixted as an "Aerosport Power". Some people list it as a Lycoming, but this causes confusion. This is a non certified engine and Lycoming would not like their name on it.
I have an experimental O-360 engine.
Do I need a data plate on the engine?
If so, where would I obtain a data plate.
Tom Webster
To be or not to be a Lycoming

Mel said:
Your engine should be lixted as an "Aerosport Power". Some people list it as a Lycoming, but this causes confusion. This is a non certified engine and Lycoming would not like their name on it.

Why not??

Even if the engine was certified when it was installed on an RV would it stay certified if it was maintined by the builder and not an A&P? I do all my own maintaince on my Lycoming o-320, does that make it not a Lycoming? When I got my airworthiness the FAA guy showed up with a copy of the TC for my Sensenich 70CM prop. His view was the engine was a Lycoming o320 series engine and that's all it needed to be for the TC. So I got a 25 hour phase 1.
Data plate

You can remove the original data plate by carefully prying it off and saving the four rivets that hold it on. Either make a duplicate out of a piece of aluminum or turn the original over and have it engraved.

If it ain't a Lycoming, it's probably an experimental by Aerosport or any other assembler that is not certified.

ps.....really not a big deal, just another way to skin a cat!
Thanks for the information.

I can't find a data plate on the engine.
It was built up from parts and may have
never had a plate mounted.
I still don't know if a dataplate is required.
I'll put one on if I can find the details.

Could someone take a picture of an
engine data plate and where it is located.
Tape over the information on the plate before
taking the picture if you want.

I can't seem to catch anyone with their cowl off.
A data plate is not required for an experimental engine. Although you really should have one. The data plate on a Lycoming/Clone is normally mounted on the starboard side of the oil sump.
When a certificated engine/prop combination is installed on an amateur-built aircraft, it must meet it's type certificate. This allows for the 25 hour test period. Once the engine is operated on an experimental aircraft, it is considered an experimental engine. If you ever want to use the engine as certificated again, you must prove that it has been maintained to it's type certificate just as if it had been on a certificated aircraft.
If you have the 200HP cold air sump, it's on the right side between the induction tubes and just above where the exit the sump. If you have the 180HP sump, I'm not sure but you might check on the bottom. Sorry, don't have any pictures handy.
Thanks everyone for your help about
the engine data plate.
I'm doing all the little things and
getting ready to move everything
to my hangar for assembly.