
Well Known Member
While sitting in my pondering chair in front on Black Magic the other night with a cold one, well maybe two, oh three…however many, and cigar


“pondering” what to do next to finish the rebuild, I couldn’t help but think of all the memories that piece of aluminum had presented to me. It is easy to confirm it is the people not the airplane. I was talking to Steve Eberhart on the phone in early 2002 about my impeding sale of my plastic airplane when he told me he was building an RV-7 empennage. Steve was actually the person who first brought up the idea to paint my airplane black. Thanks Steve. Well I said, I might have to consider an RV. The next Saturday, the new owner of my previous airplane wrote me a check, loaded the glue bird in an enclosed trailer and off he drove. Monday, I ordered my emp and tools. The show begins:

That spring, while at SNF, I put notes on several RV’s inviting pilots to stop by my camp for beer and brats. Mike Stewart, Danny Knight, Rick Gray and several other RV’er stopped by where new friendships were started that have lasted to this day. I look back at all the people I have communicated with on the internet, to people I helped build their vertical stabs in my shop to all the people I met at my Flyin, to Bob Collins and his fantastic get together at Oshkosh. All I can say is WOW, once again, it is the people, not the airplane.

Where do you even begin with all the help on the Matronics List, Doug’s old yahoo groups and now VAF. What can I say about VAF, it has become my morning ritual…one cup of coffee watching the news, second cup reading VAF. Better than the newspaper:D

Never could I have ever imagined the generosity of this gang of pirates than what was exhibited after Black Magic took a right cross to the nose by that raggedy ol jump school 180. Thanks Chuck, Curt & Kim, Mike, Scott, Greg, Joker for all the help disassembling her for the transport back to my house. Thanks Allen and Rhonda at Barrett, Abby at Flightline Interiors, Mike Stewart for building my new tank, Stein (although I still have a slungover headache from you hijacking me at Oshkosh three years ago and making me drink “just one more”), the gangs at Grand Rapids, Dynon, Trio. Special thanks to a local 7A builder, Jason Rowe. Last but not least, Keith for exchanging prop delivery dates with me while he was/is in Iraq fighting in order that we can be comfortable here. Keith, thank you for everything. I've left all kinds of people out but not on purpose, there are just so many. It’s the people, not the airplane.

For all you still pounding rivets, go out and do something today. You will kick yourself in the behind, when it flies, for not getting it finished sooner. Why the heck do you think I have put so much time into repairing Black Magic...they are that much fun to fly!! I need to quit typing and go mix some more micro for those wheel pants. Go build a part!!

Why all the reflection? I am looking to haul Black Magic back to the airport the weekend of December 6th…………………..anyone up for an assembly party?:eek:
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Thanks Dana.....

.....for writing what so many of us feel and enjoy. It definitely is relational, not so much about flying. The RV's are an end to a means of getting to another friends place:)

Thanks again,
If I don't have a conflict I'm going to try and make it.

Well I helped take it apart I might as well help put it back together. Mike Humphrey told me about the 6th and we both are going to try to make it up weather permitting and no conflicts.

Don't drink all those cold ones up before we get up there though.


I've been waiting six months to hear that news!

One more step to getting her back in the air.

Be well and see you soon I hope.
Hi Dana

I ll' try to come over on Sunday 7th if "party" is still on and i 'm welcome to.:)

BTW Jim i sent you a PM.
