
Well Known Member
hi all,
i am about to install my lexan rear window in my 12. it has already been drilled with a #27 drill as recommended in the manual. i have heard that better longevity may be had if the holes are bigger than #27. i can do the work in my shop and set the temp as high as needed .am i at more risk by having a drill bit catch and crack the lexan while i am drilling? what do you builders that have done this before recommend? should i leave all my #27 holes as they are?all comments are appreciated.
Use Sikaflex

Don’t drill, use Sikaflex!

But if you do feel compelled to drill, a trick my tech counselor used was to use a soldering iron to “punch” through each rivet hole. No stress points, just use a razor to pop off the donut created on each side.
One trick when doing something like this is to use a piece of scrap and practice with it - drill some #27 holes, then upsize them. Experiment with different drill bits, sizes, and temperatures. Become a pro at it before touching your canopy.

This is why I never throw away any scrap big enough to drill hole in.....yeah, that’s what I tell Louise! ;)

yes on the practice, i have scrap. the catch to this is that there is already a hole. i don't think plexiglass drills are meant for an existing hole. they still have the ''spiral'' cut which can grab so easy in an existing hole. i have been thinking about this since i posted. anyone have experience with a reamer. it has straight flutes and would have no tendancy to ''screw'' into the plexiglass?
just want to follow up here, might be of help in the future. my holes were #27 and i enlarged to 5/32. i did this with a 6 fluted reamer. straight flutes. i put the reamer in a hand held chuck and it worked very well turned by hand. cleanest hole edges made by first giving reamer several turns in the bottom of the hole. then finish going thru from the top. cake.
No. 1 Unibit

I also drilled up to a 5/32" from a #27 hole.
I used a No. 1 Unibit. The Unibit makes a nice tiny bevel on the edge of the hole. You can even come back through the back side of the hole as well to get the bevel. Work carefully & slowly.